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'a reason to lie'



I couldn't keep running I had to stop. I just ate a whole ass meal and my chest was hurting from crying. Ernesto was close and I hated it as I sat on the park bench. I put my knees to my chest holding them tightly. As Ernesto caught up running as well as he hunch over for a bit catching his breath. He sat next to me and I turned away. Making him hug my waist from behind I tried to scoot away but he just tighten his grip around my waist.

"Baby I'm not trying to entertain no one. If I knew this was a date I would've tooken you somewhere nice. Like an actual restaurant and I would've at least weared something nice." This isn't even a fucking date great so now he's just waisting my time. I decided to try and claw his arms off. Him hissing about to let go but fighting the pain to hold me. "Baby please I want you to know I only have feelings for you." He kissed the back of my neck. Making me angryer as I turned in his arms trying to push him away.

"No it's good. I know I'm not like those other ghetto ass hoe's so just go get you one of those." He groaned pulling me roughly onto his lap. Actually making me gasped as he held my waist firmly.

"I don't want one of those omegas. I want you I've wanted you since forever. If I wanted Felipe I would've had him." I started crying again he'd never have talked to me like that. It felt like he was mad at me. He softened rubbing my back. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry." I whipped my eyes. Us honestly noticing how stupid this all is. I mean we both want each other so what is Felipe even. He's no threat.

"You promise you want me." He nodded smiling.

"Your all I've ever wanted." I smiled sniffling a bit.

"You better" I joked bratty. He chuckled along with me standing. Making me gasp again as he lifted me higher onto his waist. We nuzzled our noses together making me giggle a bit. "Can we go back for my teddy's?" I asked legit mad at myself for leaving them.

"Oh fuck I forgot." He turned walking us back to the table.



We decided to go after that fight. Fuck no am I gonna let a mother fucker call Dom a bitch. Even if that mother fucker is his brother. His family seems like a piece of work. How the fuck is an angel like him even apart of all that? Once we got inside my room we cuddled. He was being all submissive and clingy probably happy I stood up for him. He made me food and everytime I try to get up he tells me he'll do it for me. I'm liking this. He was inbetween my legs me holding him close in a hug. I kissed his neck making him giggle a bit looking back at me and kissing my lips. He tried to turn back just giving me a small peck. But unwrapping one of my arms I pulled his face towards me kissing him deeper.



We walked back in silence. I literally just got rejected in front of him so bad. This whole best friend thing probably ends today even though I had a great time. And he won me Munchies, Funkie, Ditzy and Pinkie. Munchie and Funkie of course are my twin bears. Ditzys my dark pink and Pinkies my light pink. I've never been into the care bears as a kid but they're adorable. Now I'm gonna have to think of what a stupid ass I am when I see them. And how I lost a friend too.

"Hey cheer up at least now you know he's in a relationship." I looked up at him and nodded happy he talked to me first. Cause I wouldn't have had the courage too. I was too embarrassed..

"Yeah I guess. That was embarrassing as fuck tho." I chuckled him laughing along.

"Not my most embarrassing rejection. Once a girl only got with me to get her man mad. And he beat my ass I had to get saved by my brothers boyfriend" I chuckled happy he shared that.

"Well once a guy only got with me to get with my friend Gia. Fucking whore slept with him too while we're together." I said mine making him shake his head.

"Fucking douchebag. Why the fuck didn't he just gets with her? People really like spreading their germs." I nodded laughing at his words.

"I don't want to go home stay with me?" I batted my eyes stopping in my tracks. It didn't take much convincing him tho him nodding right away.

"K whatchu trying to do?" He asked. I hummed for a bit thinking.

"We could go to the rodeo. Watch people get knocked off bulls and cry like babies." I suggested. Steven's Rodeo and rib bones is a popular bull riding club that's very western. You could ride bulls, drink (but not us since we're minor's) and eat hella good ribs and steaks. I work there since the owner is my mom's brother. Discounts all day. Even free if I beg hard enough. He nodded and I pull him to the direction happy to go somewhere besides home. And with Zachary. I really thought he'd stop being my friend.



My baby fell asleep after a bit, cuddling with mamas and Candelaria. My nieces. When Zachary finally called him back. I answered right away not to wake the three sleeping whispering.

"Hey bro you good?" I asked whispering.

"Yeah yeah are y'all?" He asked.

"Yeah Xanni was just worried he's asleep now." I answered looking at the three. Mamas in the middle Xan's arm lightly wrapped the two.

"Oh okay good because Felipe is taking me to a rodeo." My eyes widened. Fuck not the rodeo it isn't very safe. People drunk fight there, there's bulls and more then once have people pulled out guns. Xan would be furious.

"Bro are you sure?" I asked.

"Yeah why?" He asked confused.

"It's dangerous there's bunch of drunks with bulls that can't go well." He sighed a bit clearly wanting to go.

"Well if it is it's not like I could just leave Felipe alone especially. Plus I really want to spend time with him just don't tell my brother till I'm back please." I sighed looking at the omega cuddling with my nieces. But knowing Zachary really wants Felipe and can't lose to Travis.

"Fine but be safe okay. No mother fucking drinking." He immediately agreed.

"Yesss sir" He said playfully in a country accent. "Thanks so much Vincente your the best byeee" He hung up making me groan once more as I put the phone down. At the bed side laying myself down with the three. I wrapped an arm around Xan's waist who's extra hand grabbed holding it sweetly in his sleep. I kissed his cheek loving his angry mad face. Scrunching up but not moving away. I felt kinda guilty knowing Xannie would be mad if knew where Zach was. Not to mention the fact I knew exactly where and how he'd feel about it.

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