
65 1 1

'hold me close'



Now that Xan was living at Vicente's he wanted me to sleep over. Still not used to living with his mom. He was good with the kids and Vicente. They all helped and lived peacefully. But Xan was bothered by how his mom literally stayed in her room for days. He just wanted to destress and talk about baby stuff. Now that we are both pregnant we're going all out. Taking pictures, going to clinics together. And going to these mom things give me advice and free baby stuff.

"So do you have baby names?" He asked taking another Korean ice cream. It's called mochi my sister used to eat it. And I was craving it so Giancarlo bought me some when walking me here.

"No not yet we don't even know if it's a boy or girl. Maybe if it's a boy a Giancarlo Jr would be cute." I giggled thinking about how adorable that would be. But I think he wants a girl now.

"Vicente wanted one to be named after him. But I don't think that's creative enough. I was thinking Valerio, Valiente or Valentine for one. Then like Xenavia or like Xanathio." I nodded loving those.

"So like one V and one X?" He nodded smiling proudly. I love when he talks about the twins that's when he smiles just the prettiest and the brightest.

"Yeah I was thinking Xolo too. Or like Valeria could work." I nodded along.

"Ooh if I have a girl she could be a little Dominyca, Damaris. Oow or Dominece." Suddenly I loved the thought of a daughter. Me and Xan gushing over the babies names we picked. The door opened in walking Ame holding Candelaria's hand.

"We sat wit you pease?" Delaria asked cutely with puppy dog eyes.

"Yeah they're boring they're playing videogames." Amelia agreed me and Xan chuckling.

"Yeah of course where's mama?" Xan asked as they came in. Oh my God he's such a mom even when he wasn't pregnant. I wish he was my mom.

"She's sleeping on Vicente's chest while he's playing." Xan sighed.

"Yeah that's why Ed mad because he still kills him wit Pati." I nodded me and Xan chuckling at the story.



I moaned as Zackery kissed and sucked on the sensitive scent gland. His name coming out horny and shakey from my moans. We've been kinda hooking up since the party. Especially now since all the omega's sense that he's bonding with an omega. Since we were best friends before it made a mini bond. But he's been pretty busy with me since the party. When we did it for the first time. So none of those hoes can even try. We miss Xan and the kids but it was kinda fun having so much alone time. You know what it's actually awesome. Ugh he's just so cuddly but horny just like me. We can always visit them you know.

"Damn Felipe" He gritted laying over as he pulled me to his lap. Making me gasp as he held my waist. He ruffled my cheer skirt higher making me blush. "Why did you wear this one today?" He asked I think about the cheer outfit.

"Oh I just like to rotate. During game events or the end of the year we wear them like everyday. So I just like to wear them all. Sometimes I just wear the shirt and some jean." I kinda shrugged him nodding away as he continued to grope me. I couldn't help but be red and flustered about how he looked at my face having a normal conversation when he's groping me so horny.

"Yeah I like when you put that cute little sweater and those matching leggings." I giggled remembering how I loved to pair them once I noticed how perfect they were together. I always thought how adorable they were but didn't think anyone noticed. That made me blush and want to wear the outfit for him. I'll totally wear it with my skin for him tomorrow. I thought sneakily as he continued to make me blush with sweet comments about body. Ugh he's so horny but like somehow oddly charming with it.



Ernesto was being very shy around me. Remembering how strongly I came on to him in heat I felt embarrassed. Did he think differently of me now? Ugh he probably doesn't see me the way he used to. The way he liked.

"Hey cutie pie" I looked up at the alpha. As he walked to me sweaty hair has just finished playing a game with his friends. As I studied on the bench it was lunch so what else was there to do. "Give me a kiss?" He pouted his big stupid lips making me roll my eyes.

"Fine but just one" I said bratty fully lying. I'll probably want more anyways.

"Aww cute you guys are dating?" Some cheerleader said walking over she reach out to me. "I'm Wendy Finnash you?" I looked at Ernesto confused shaking her hand cautiously.

"I'm Marvin" I informed giving a short small smile.

"Yeah your the captain of the cheer team right." Ernesto said awkwardly. Does he like know her or not??

"Yeah" She giggled at him not fully remembering her. "Me and Ernie spend a lot of time at practice together." She turned to me smiling. I scoffed a bit rolling my eyes at her clearly backhanded attitude. She was acting nice but insinuating she spent time with my boyfriend at practice. Alone.

"With the team both our teams, because our practices are scheduled together." Ernesto quickly informs. What is this girl into him? Did they do something or talk before we dated? Why is he acting weird? I rolled my eyes standing as I grabbed my things. "Baby?" He asked sadly grabbing his bag to follow me. "Wait" He called grabbing my hand. I pulled away turning to him as I looked around to see if anyone could hear us. We went to the back side of the bleachers so not really. I groaned.

"Go act weird with that chick. I'm not gonna deal with that." He tsked grabbing both my hands in this.

"No you stop acting like a brat." He pouted and usually I'd think it was cute. But it was annoying me showing he thought I was joking when it came to my feelings. I pulled away him immediately grabbing back. Hugging me around my waist from the back him lifting me off the ground. "Wait I'm playing sorry stay please. I'm sorry I wasn't acting weird because of her. I just didn't want you to think I have the same feelings towards her she does for me." I groaned trying to get released. "Please baby" He put me down making me huff as I turned. Hitting him in his belly he groaned leaning on me from the pain.

"Fine but you better tell me if someone likes you. Before they try to get me all jealous at least." He chuckled laughing still in pain as he leaned on me. Holding me so clingy but comfy. Why'd my best friend and lover have to be the best guy in the world. Bitches be wanting my shit on the daily. And I ain't having it.

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