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'More than sex'



I couldn't pay attention to the game now. Knowing I was basically cock blocking my best friend because I had a serious crush on him. I'm really a bad person. I take up all his time, make sure he doesn't get laid. Basically keeping omegas and love away from him. All for what to keep him single. Ugh I should want him to be happy. Not be insecure and make omegas think he's taken. That's what I did at practice kissing him. They probably all think he's mine. Not that that won't make their whore ass want him more. Ugh why can't I just have him to myself? I can't let one of those bitches be up on my bestie. Especially not tonight it would literally kill me. This is the worst day to go to a party. Everyone will be all slutty and so up on him. I have to make sure his attention is on me tonight. I know it's selfish but I can't see him with someone else. Please just let me get over this crush Zackery don't find a lover. It will kill me. I pleaded even though he wasn't there. I just can't get broken by the alpha who I trust and feel the most safe with. I could literally go to him whenever. If my dad's mad I just leave to his. I know it's selfish and wrong but I need him all to myself. Ugh I am a bad person.



Gustavo was hyped for the party as we waited for the game to start. Smoking with Dante and Malachi at the field exit.

"Is Travis coming haven't seen him in awhile?" Gustavo asked me passing to Malachi. Dante chuckled at that making me mug him. Like he didn't get his shit rocked that day.

"He's dropping out" I said pouting I miss my best friend. I mean I still go over to his baby mama's everyday but still.

"Yeah he's gonna raise my baby." Dante said finding it so funny he's gonna be a piece of shit dad. He doesn't know what a real man is. A real man would step up to watch his child. Fuck Travis is twice that just stepping up for the omega he loves.

"Yeah because he has morals." I said making him and Malachi look at each other with an roll. And chuckle. They really don't see how fucked up it is that he's basically abandoning his child. Travis is an upgrade compared to him so I guess in a sense he's doing a favor for that kid. Plus I get a nephew or niece.

"What for real? Damn I didn't know. I guess I been busy." Gustavo said oblivious and cute. I blushed at that thought.

"Yeah you have with Melissa right?" Malachi asked passing the blunt. Melissa? Melissa Moratane? I hate that bitch and not only because I guess she's fucking with Gustavo. But because she literally pushed me off the stage in 6th grade. She's a psycho and all so she can have the role of Romeo. Bitch could've settled for Juliet not try to murder me.

"Yeah dude she's crazy and hot." I didn't feel good anymore deciding to go bug another one of my friends.

"I-i gotta go" I said as Gustavo just nodded waving me off. Continuing his talked about how 'hot' psycho Melissa is. Given the stage wasn't too high and we had been competing for a month in my eyes she's still crazy. I could've broken my fucking leg if I fell wrong. I was happy to see the hottest couple knowing I had to bug them. "Damn y'all are sexy" I interrupted they're make out sitting at the table. Dom giggled like the angel he is his demon boyfriend mugging me.

"Heyy Ivan" Dominenico greeted me.

"Y'all going to Gordy's?" I mean of course they are it's gonna be the biggest party of the year. I was surprised when Giancarlo just kinda shrugged.

"We'll probably just get a little drunk than go home." I chuckled at that. Because I remember when GC would call Xan and Vicente whack for the same thing. But like when you're in a relationship you just don't find those things as fun anymore. Partying is for the lonely hoes like me.

"Yeah than I can cook for you." Giancarlo smiled at that nodding as he bit his lip.

"Fuck yeah baby whatchu gonna make me?" He pulled the omega to lean on him from the back cutely. They are so perfect for each other fitting into each other as if they where a matching puzzle piece.

"Well your mom was telling me last time how you don't like to much pepper in your mashed potatoes. Sooo I was thinking about make those again." The way they knew each other perfectly too. Giancarlo nodded proudly.

"Baby I don't care I still loved them." Dom turned back to his grumpy boyfriend.

"But I want them to be perfect." I could see the pure love in both eyes as Dom looked back at him. I can't take this everyday I questioned why I can't get over one guy. One guy who's literally the biggest hoe in our whole school. A guy that would hate me if he knew I loved him. Seeing these sexy mother fuckers be perfect together. Plus the other sexy ass couple knowing I'll never been that happy. It's like I just keep descending into madness. Dom reached over grabbing my hand on the table. Even Giancarlo looking at me with worry. "What's wrong Ivan?" He asked sweetly confusing me. Till I touched the tears welling up in my eyes. Fuck this is pathetic.

"N-nothing I'm sick" I stood embarrassed. "Very very sick" I chuckled trying to erase any sadness from my face. Am I so jealous of others love that am crying?

"Ivan what's wrong dude?" Dom asked sitting up. "You can tell us we'll support you." He smiled at me so warm I had to trust him looking over at his boyfriend. I was surprised that Carlo didn't laught or bully me.

"Yeah dude you've been pretty sad recently." Giancarlo agreed comforting me enough to sit back down.

"What wrong?" Dom ask again as the couple gave me they're full attention. I was nervous but oddly comfortable with the two. Do I tell them about the crush? Or my abusive alcoholic parents? Yeah probably just the crush.

"Well I have this weird crush." I looked down at my lap embarrassed to even say his name. "On Gustavo" I whispered the last part. Looking up to see wide eyes and shocked faces.

"G-Gustavo?" Dom asked shocked. "But he's he's Gustavo" His face scrunched up making me laugh a bit.

"I mean Gustavo's a friend I guess but bro you can do better. He treats his lovers like toys and is probably helping everyone spread STD's." I snorted at GC's words. Knowing the couple was right but I just can't get over him.

"I know" I groaned laying my head on the table in front of me. "It's just a phase" Hopefully..

"Bro you just need to find someone who could actually show you love." I was surprised by every word coming out of Carlo's mouth. Dominenico really made him a better person. GC was always funny and serious but now he's nice too. Well sometimes.

"Yeah I don't think you should take this crush on Gustavo seriously. Maybe you know get with someone else at the party." I looked up at supposedly innocent Dominenico's suggestion. Shock but agreeing even Carlo was shocked.

Yum that's what I got to do. Now to go home and get ready then you to Dylan's to get Travis's approval.

"Bye guys thanks" I immediately left only Dom waving me off. As Giancarlo started kissing his cheek and neck. Horny ass mother fucker couldn't even wait for me to leave to try and eat his boyfriend. I used to think Dom was the most innocent and pure person. But being with GC now he's a freak too. 

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