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'Always and forever'



I was so happy when Felipe showed up unexpectedly. I was babysitting Amelia, Candelaria and Eddie. Since Xan and Vicente went to a clinic with mamas to check if he's prego. He immediately offered to help watch the kids with me. They all already loved him especially Candelaria. I was making sandwiches since Xan didn't trust me in the kitchen. Amelia knowing that might scold me if I even try too. And I don't want to be scolded by a kid in front of Felipe.

"Mmm looks so good you really loaded those yummy." Felipe said going to my side with Delaria on his hip. He licked his lips hungry. I blushed at him liking my food rubbing my neck flustered. "I didn't know you were a master chef."

"No not at all" I laughed a bit turning more red. Since I'm actually really bad.

"Yeah he can't even use the stove." I blushed looking back at Amelia who walked over. I knew this brat would expose me. "He makes good sandwiches tho." I ruffled up her hair a bit making her laught. This kid just loves acting like she's grown. Little brat. Felipe giggled and I had to look away from the cuteness back to my food.



The sandwiches were big packed with lettuce, tomato, avocado, mustard and mayonnaise on the breads. Not to mention cheese and your standard meats. But I felt it was missing something. Don't get me wrong Zacky made them good but it needs bacon. So since he couldn't I cook it. Completing our sandwiches calling the kids to the table. Candelaria had a special sandwich since she couldn't eat like us. Bacon, avocado and some lettuce with no crust. We got everyone a glass of lemonade before sitting to eat with the kids.

"Thank you" Eddie said sweetly with his cute little grateful smile.

"Yeah thanks your the best Felipe. And Zackery" Amelia added as Zack glared making me chuckle.

"Yeah it's toe yummy can I get a juice box?" Delaria asked. Zackery shaking his head made her pout a bit.

"Here I put some lemonade in your sippy." He passed her the cut making her grin with her baby teeth. Gummy little smile I couldn't help but pinch her cheek a bit. Making her giggle as she pulled away.

"Tank you guyj" We nodded to the sweet heart.

"Of course ugh you're too cute." I pinched her cheek again making her giggle harder as she pushed me away.

"No Pelipe no pincha me." I pouted stopping even though it was difficult.



I held Xan's hand firmly mama's clinged to my chest asleep. We waited for results in the almost electric room. Xan was excited talking to Mamas in a baby voice.

"This is gonna be your first cousin and you two are gonna be the best of friends. I swear you'll practically grow up like siblings." I chuckled at that remembering when the doctor asked if Fati was our first child. We told her she isn't ours biologically but we are her guardians. Well sorta my mom gave me parenting rights because she was going through a lot at the time. But I'm good with it.

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