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'All of the time in the world'



Vincente tsked grabbing my waist from behind. I hate when he gambles. It's a bad habit that can only cause trouble and addiction.

"Baby don't do this I just got you to stop being mad at me." He whined kissing down my neck. I turned pushing him back trying to show him I'm serious. When he was younger trying to watch his siblings with a bipolar depressed mom he'd gamble for easy money. Once it scared the shit out of me when they jumped him for not having their money. He was only 12 a fucking child. I don't even want to think about what they'd do to him now.

"You think this shit is funny!" I yelled smacking his chest.

"No b-" I cut him off.

"You could get hurt, the kids could get hurt! Do you not give a fuck idiot!" He clearly wasn't used to me yelling backing up a bit and looking to the ground.

"I.. it was just once" He whispered shamefully. I couldn't help the worry and pain in my chest any longer. My eyes tearing up. I knew it was once but that's how it always starts.

"Okay but could you say that you won't do it ever again. Can you just think about the consequence. About the kids.. about me." He nodded

"Baby I'm not addicted or anything. If it bothers you then I promise I won't." I nodded whipping the corner of my eyes. As he walked to me arms wide I hugged him back.

"Okay babe I just want you to think about the kids you know." He nodded kissing the side of my head.

"I know love. You and those kids are the only thing I care about." I smiled separating from him to look at his face. "You guys are my family." I love when he says that. I can just imagine us having kids like this one day. Married with a bunch of babies. I giggled going in to kiss his lips. An action he gladly returned. It wasn't until Eds called us we stopped.

"Xannie someone's calling you." He gave me my phone. I was surprised to see my dads contact taking the phone.

"Thank you" I told Eddie who smiled nodding. He ran off again as I answered. "Hello" I called.

"Xanthon Zachary he's he's gone we can't find him." My heart stopped.

"What?! What do you mean he's gone!?" I asked. How the fuck do you lose a whole teenage boy?

"He was kinda awkward and nervous to meet my wife. And I think it made him uncomfortable and he just left." Zachary wouldn't just leave. He isn't a complete idiot. Why would he do that?

"Did you call him? Or mom?"

"I called them but your mom couldn't go look for him since she's at work." I rolled my eyes at that. He wants mom to look while he sits his bitch ass down.

"Fine I will" I hung up.

"What's wrong?" Vincente asked.

"My brother he like snookout last night or something." I walked to the door putting my shoes on. "Can you get the kids?" He nodded walking off to my room. I put on my shoes following after to help.

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