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'Stay with me'



We sat at the side of the pool still in the water to hide our penises. Even though the lights didn't help much. I blushed at that thought turning away to look at the pizza. Ugh why can't I stop thinking about looking at his penis. We ate the rest of the pizza just deciding to chill as we opened more beers.

"So you and Katrina?" He asked smirking. I nodded along even though we only hooked up once at Gordy's party. Now she won't leave me alone. She's hot everybody wants her but I just can't stop thinking about Gustavo. We had good sex and still I ignore her just to get drunk with him. Gosh it's like I know what I should do I just can't when he's in my influence. "Damn dude you always get the baddest bitches and treat it like it ain't shit. Your literally fucking ignoring her." He laughed looking over at my phone as it vibrated with her contact. "Hey but it's better than getting her knocked up like these other guys." He chuckled at his words. But I honestly don't agree. I wish I could find that love with an omega. Leave my feelings for Gustavo behind and have a child with an omega I love over everyone else. I'm just not that lucky. I'm the alpha that's too scared to stand up to other alpha's. I'm the alpha who's attracted to other alpha's too. The alpha that's weak and pathetic. I could never be like Travis or Gustavo. They're cool and manly and that's why all the omegas love them. I'm just super pathetic. "Fuck it's like all our friends want kids now. They're so stupid" He shock his head making me sigh. Maybe if I just had a baby to love I could be content and not need a lover. Of course I'd love they're mom but a babies different than a spouse. Those will break your heart or fall out of love. Or worse keep you miserable for 23 years like my parents. A baby you raise and the love you show them they'll show it back. Not only that they don't leave after 23 years they visit and always love you because you're they're parent. I want a baby too now I sighed.

"Well I guess it doesn't sound bad. I'd want someone tiny I could baby and show all my love too." He looked at me with a chuckle.

"Well that's because you're too loving Ivan. You got to much love honestly you should be meaner people will respect you more." I sighed nodding at his words. He's right I shouldn't think about babies where would I raise them anyway. In the house my dad drinks and beats me in. I'll just have to settle for getting my friends kids to love me. Buy them gifts and food so I'll be they're favorite tio.



Felipe was still on edge about Giancarlo hurting Dom. I didn't expect him to be the protective type but it was adorable. I was worried too because I know even tho Giancarlo made that stupid fucking bet he didn't mean it in the end. I legit thought Dom was gonna leave him and of course I'd stand with Dom. And support him especially pregnant. But it would just be sad to know that they're love was so true. And he fucked it up for some bet the day he learned he's having a child. Plus they'll work it out together one thing I love about they're relationship is that they communicate a lot. Giancarlo literally has to say sorry every time he says something remotely hurtful. And Dom calms his grumpy moods and attitude with affection and attention. They're just so bratty I know they're kids gonna be a bougie brat for sure.

"Mommy me wanta golj bish." Felipe and Zackery laughed at Candelaria's mispronouncetion. Making her huff as she balled her fist pouting. I looked back at the two glaring at them immediately shutting them up. Turning back to the two year old.

"Yeah honey you can have some but no more juice." She nodded as I stood taking her hand. I was gonna bend to pick her up when Vicente stopped me.

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