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"Hey Felipe!" I rolled my eyes turning hearing Ivan call me.

"What?" I hissed.

"Come here cutie" I rolled my eyes crossing my arms.

"Don't call me cutie." I said as they caught up to me.

"Yeah yeah baby whatever." Gustavo waved me off throwing his arm around me. I rolled my eyes. "Anyway you tryna come chill with us." I pushed him off.

"Yeah sure" I said walking ahead of them a bit to get away from the pervs. I mean they're cool and all I just wish they weren't trying to get in my pants 24/7. Zachary came to my side mouth red.

"Want a raspa? I'll go get you one real quick." I smiled at the sweet alpha shaking my head.

"No I'll just get a bite of yours." He blushes as I reach over grabbing his spoon and taking a bite. I hummed at the delicious taste. "Mmm it's good."

"Y-yeah" He said blushing as he looked down at me. I think Zachary might have a little crush on me. I giggled taking another bite.



Felipe got up going to get another refill. He's just so straight up and sassy I can't help but have these feelings for him.

"Dude you're so fucked over Felipe." Travis said making them all giggle. Except my twin and his boyfriend of course.

"So just cause y'all want to be on some horny hoe shit." Xanthon defend me making me blush harder.

"It's whatever Xan it's not like I like him like him he's just ya know perfect." I explained noticing how fucked I actually am. I mean everyone at least thinks Felipe is perfect or just beautiful. But I took it to a whole new level actually developing feelings. Travis looked at me brow raised. Making eye contact with Ivan they both laugh at me.

"I gotta go" Gustavo says with a sigh as he stood walking out. Gustavo always just leaves like that it's just his thing. He just does what he wants. Ivan waving him out even if he was too busy on his phone.

"Why do you like Felipe? I mean he's cute and all but you know he's annoying." Ivan said making me roll my eyes.

"Your just saying that because you hate omega's who won't let you fuck them." I said as an insult but he just chuckled taking it as a compliment.

"No lie" He said making Xan groan.

"Ew your so gross." Xanthon said glaring with an roll. Vincente also looked at him like what the fuck. But Van had no shame like for real for real. But it's also what made him such a real mother fucker.

"What if I tried to get at him?" Travis said looking at with a smirk.

"F-felipe?" I asked not liking the thought. He nodded to my question with a nod. "Bruh.." I whined not sure what else to say to that as he smirked at my displeasure.

"Yeah you two should compete. See who can get him naked first." Ivan added making me blush just at the thought of him naked. I shook my head but it just made them laugh more.

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