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'cry baby'



Ernesto sure has been acting like my boyfriend. Which I love don't get me wrong it's literally all I've ever wanted. It's like doing everything we used to just with open feelings and touch. But is he my boyfriend. I mean tonight he's taking me to a restaurant but are we official. I mean people go on dates that aren't official. We both know each other's feelings of course but he hasn't asked the question. And I know it might be obvious to say we are but I want to be sure. And have that dramatic love moment where he asked me to be his. Like a princess is that to much to ask. I mean anything would seem like that with him. He could ask me out in front of a McDonald's and I'd feel like it's my wedding day at the Sistine Chapel. I just want him to ask me the question so we can have that moment. And I love Ernie but I don't think he knows that. Maybe I have to show him, tell him what I want.

Yep that's what I'll do. Just gotta make sure it's not to obvious.



I was trying not to be a guilty mess after Zach lied to Xan where he was. I mean I get he was scared and Xan would've probably chewed him up. But why the fuck couldn't you have lied to me too. That's my omega as soon as he catches my guilt, my anxiety he'll know somethings up. He always does once I ate his cheesecake which he saved for his birthday. I felt like an asshole and was honestly embarrassed. He was just about to blame Eduardo when he smelled the guilt in my pheromones. I splashed my face getting ready to go face my omega. Why Zach why!!



I was so horny putting on tiny panties for Vincente. We just put the girls and his siblings to bed in Zach's room and my mom's. He was at his dad's for the week just like every and mom was partying. She did that every week since she didn't give a fuck about leaving me alone. Since Vincente's mom always on some bitching shit we take them here with us. I mean I don't want to disrespect her but she's so fucking mean. Like she bitches about taking care of her own kids and leaves Vicente too since she's 'stress'. Bitch is just lazy no way your stress every fucking day and even if you are getting up and watch your babies. I mean I get why she's stressed with mamas and Delia they're young and more energetic. But still that's your baby grandkids. I love how caring and helpful Vincente is watching them and his siblings. He's my alpha.

I got ready to get him riled up. Only in undies and a button up sitting at the edge just ready for him to take me. He was in the restroom so I had dimmed the lights putting on my bedside lamp. Draping it with a light cloth to make it more sexy. The door opened only making me more excited. Till I smelt those pheromones. Aww something must be wrong he seemed stressed. I got up from the bed walking to his side as he closed the door. I cupped his face to look at me he smirked grabbing my waist.

"What's wrong daddy? You okay?" He became even more anxious.

"Y-yeah umm just tired." He let me go clearly nervous. He stretched a bit fake yawning. "So tired." He walked around me. Usually he confuses as soon as I sense some distress. What's wrong?

"Are you sure?" I asked as we both climbed into bed.

"Yeah nothing at all" He turned the lamp off. What is he hiding? I wasn't so excited anymore kinda sad he won't tell me what's wrong. It only made things worse when he didn't force me into a cuddle. What's going on?

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