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'hot and cold'



As soon as we got there Zach won me a big care bear. It's adorable he's the yellow bear sunshine. But his name is Munchie now he's just so adorable. Even though I already got nacho cheese on him.

"Let's try the shooting game!" I urged pulling him up from our booth and back to the arcade. I had Munch in my arm still as I held his hand. The game was about killing aliens awesome at least not basic ass zombies. I grabbed the blue gun him the pink kinda making me giggle.

"Like my gun it's my favorite color." He joked picking it up and shot posing with it like a dork. I giggled hitting his arm a bit. He's such a dork.

"Stupid" He smiled along putting in coins for both of us. We began to start the game it was pretty easy hitting wherever the green bots were. He got the high score making me playfully tsk as we put the guns away. "Chearer" I whined joking making him smile taking his tickets and giving them to me.

"Here" I smiled holding them to my chest with Munchie. Squeezing both.

"Aww for me your the best." I complimented making him blush a bit as he rubbed his neck. We went on to more games till I spotted Ernesto stopping us. "Oh my God that's my crush." He immediately shot his head in the direction. As I was fixing up my hair and skirt. Rolling it up just a tad bit. I only stopped when my eyes landed on his little bestie. Ugh how am I supposed to make a move when the bitch clearly has it out for me. Bitch looks at me dirty for no fucking reason.



My heart literally stopped and it only got worse as he prettied up. Rolling his skirt up a bit only made my chest ache. He stopped groaning.

"Ugh his fucking friends here. He has like a crush on him or something." They did seem kinda couply and giggling. Actually it's great if he does cause then maybe Felipe will give up on it. "Let's go fuck with him." He said pulling me over to them. I really don't want to but I'm his best friend I can't bail on him.



Ernesto was being a gentleman holding doors for me paying for my coins. We finished paying for the coins and asking for a waiter. About to go look for a table. Until I heard a bitchy ass voice.

"Ernesto!" I rolled my eyes stopping from going to hold his hand. Instead crossing them in front of my chest. "Hey Nesto you look good." He giggled all stupid twirling his curls in his fingers. He had the sunshine care bear in arms kinda ticking me off further.

"Hey Felipe-" I cut him off before I could get mad at what he says again. I can't help it I hate when he entertains hoes. Plus this is our first date and it started off so magical.

"Anyway we gotta go to the claw machine see ya." I said with an eye roll letting it known I don't fuck with this hoe. Like always tryna be there when I'm with my bestie and like crush. And maybe boyfriend once he ask my ass out. I grabbed his hand walking us away.

"We'll come with you" His high ass pitched voice said making me cross my arms again. He bragged the poor alpha with us to the claw.

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