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'rude boy'



Everyone was acting weird. Xan blocking his pheromones and avoiding me by watching mamas and Delia. Which don't get me wrong it's adorable but I'd just like my omega to myself for a bit. Plus he seemed in a mood so I had to cheer him up. Happy omega happy life. Not to mention Eddie actively avoiding me too. And Ame being kinda rude and mad too. What did I do for real? I walked over to the omega as he mixed Fati's sippy bottle. We're trying to get her to use sippy cups since she's getting teeth. Wrapping his waist he stays stiff definitely mad at me.

"What's wrong baby?" I kissed down his neck. Him doing no giggling or even hitting. Which is weird right.

"Nothing" He didn't even say daddy letting me know this is serious. I backed up from him to move but as I tried to talk he just left. My alpha forced his pheromones out making him groan as he left the kitchen. A strong distress still lingering. Of fear and heart ache. I really fucked up but I don't even know how.

"Ugh your such a fucking asshole." I turned to my sister stunned. The fuck got in to this kid to talk to me like that. Who the fuck does she think she is.

"What the fuck did you say to me?" She rolled her eyes walking out the back door with a slam. Damn puberty really hitting that kid hard if she thinks she can talk to me like that. What the fuck.

"I'll get her" Eddie mumbled taking out his earphones.

"Thanks" I said smiling at him. But even my sweet brother ignored me. As he jumped off his chair and out the back door. How did I fuck up with all them and not even know how.



Marvin studied and just like always I pretended to as well. Just coming because I love being around him. We both laid on his fluffy rug. I was on my back throwing and catching a baseball. Yeah just super bored.

"Start studying now. You know you have a math and science final coming up." He scolded me adorably. I smiled turning around on my belly to start actually studying. But as I started writing and reading and all that science bullshit I just got more bored. How does he do this for hours? So cutely too. I roll on to my side just watching the curly haired omega. So focused and determined. He turned to me eyebrow raised with a meh face. Probably annoyed I didn't start working he tsked. "What are you doing get to work?" I rolled my eyes leaning forward and kissing his cheek. Once I pulled away he still mugged me but red this time. His blush is just adorable. "Get to work kisses won't get you out of this." He rolled his eyes making me chuckle.

"Whyyy it's boring" I whined a bit throwing myself on him. He groaned as I laid on his back. Trying to lift himself and wiggle to get me off.

"Ernie get off" He wiggled and shimys. I shock my head aggressively wrapping him in my arms. "Ernieee" He whined this time but not really able to get me off. He's so weak but it's adorable.

"No I'm bored" I groaned actually listening to the omega and rolling off. He rolled his eyes playfully sitting up.

"Fine I'm already done I was just getting a head start for senior year." My mouth agaped. How could he do senior work when I'm still in sophomore science. "What do you want to do?" He asked. I sat up along with him. Smirking I leaned forward kissing his cheek. He turned red punching me. I groaned taking the hit as I laid myself back down. He giggled just so adorably being happy he can get away with such abuse.

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