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'A Love Bruise'



Dom's been judging himself pretty hard recently. And you know I can't let my bestie do that to himself. Especially pregnant. He deserves to have a stress free pregnancy. Be as fat as he wants because he literally has a baby inside him. I know I'm not gonna give a fuck what others say. I'm carrying my twins and I want us to be healthy. I know if I let Giancarlo on to his judgmental thoughts he would help too. But I can't just tell him that would be rude. It was the day we went out to eat. Vicente treating us since we're pregnant. Dom ordered something small and Giancarlo looked over confused.

"Didn't you say you wanted to try the loaded umm" He picked up his menu looking for the item. "Steak meal potato some shit." I found the meal watering at the bacon, cream cheese loaded potato, steak and macaroni meal.

"Ooh I see it, it looks delicious I'll get us both one." I called over our waiter as he brought drinks. "Hello sir can we get a loaded potato and steak meal." Giancarlo cut in knowing what his baby mama wanted better.

"With those sides macaroni and the appetizers too. Oh and you wanted a pink lime juice thingy right baby?" He asked Dom who nodded. Blushing at us ordering for him.

"The lime strawberry, kiwi?" Giancarlo nodded to his question. Damn that sounded good too. Dom must've done research after I told him where we're going. So yummy.

"I want one of those too please but the lemon juice one please." He nodded.

"No mango or peach fruit?" He asked we both shock our heads. "Okay I'll be back for the other orders with your drinks." Mm I gotta come back here. I didn't know they had juice smoothies.



Zackery made me feel better but that's when the worse thing happened. The nudie pic's I took resurfaced from some bot accounts. Probably made by a student who had them. It was some scandalous pictures of me lifting my skirt and some of me just in panties. But it still made me want to throw up knowing everyone was sharing them again. It was like living my sophomore year again. Did Diego do this because what happened this morning? Because I didn't want to be with him. I looked up from my phone seeing why everyone was staring at me. As Zackery sat with Ernesto and Marvin. Marvin quiet and the other two in the loud conversation. Them happy as ever as my life is falling apart. I couldn't take this again I felt like my chest was being smashed in a Giants grip. Like I was suffocating as everyone laughed. I stood the three looking at me as I grabbed my bag. Speed walking out as I ignored the whispers. I heard Zackery follow and call for me. But he deserved better than running after me. Zack was too good for me, too good to be true. He'll see me as a slut once he finds out I'm the one who got my nudes exposed.

"Hey Felipe wait up damn it." He said cutely grabbing me turn and look at him blushing. "What's wrong?" He grabbed both my wrist no escape. He stayed cheerful even when comforting me. And I think that was the most comforting thing about him. I couldn't take it this alpha seeing me as a slut. Seeing me the way literally every other guy in this school does. The only one I trust. My eyes watered as my bottom lip quivered. His face softened letting me go to embrace me in a hug. He held my head to his chest shushing my cry's. It was comfy as I immediately hugged back. I was scared this was the last time I'd be cuddled in these arms. They had became my safe place so big and comfy. My tears started fully thinking about losing my best friend and my deepest crush. "Hey hey it's okay, we don't need to talk. Let's just go." He whispered the last part pushing us closer to the door. I whipped my eyes lifting my head shocked by the alpha. I remember his first time ditching with me. I looked up into the hazel eyes matching his smile as I nodded.

"Yeah I want to go home with you." I said smiling up at him as he smiled back nodding. We opened the door letting go as we ran out the school.



"No I look gross" He pouted crossing his arms as I tsked. Taking the picture of his bratty self anyways.

"Shut the fuck up you look cute as hell." I said aggressively grabbing his waist. I just wanted a picture of him in this outfit cooking. Especially since his belly was starting to show. I'm gonna take pictures while his belly grows. He just looks too cute pregnant honestly.

"Travis let me do my makeup or something." He whined as I looked through the pictures proud.

"Nah my baby looks good natural." He turned off the stove sighing.

"Travis" He turned whining.

"What?" I asked kissing his lips before putting my phone in my basketball shorts. "I'm not deleting it" I told him straight up kissing his cheek as he mugged me. Today he was making a whole feast to welcome his father back home. He told him about his pregnancy over the phone and of course he's mad. But he had time to think about it on the road. Calling Dylan to set up a dinner and making sure I came. Me and his dad never really got along. Him of course being protective of his omega son.

"Your so mean you know I look gross." He became pouty with a bratty arm cross. I tsked rolling my eyes at literally the hottest omega.

"Shut the fuck up you look sexy. As a matter of fact I'll show you." He giggled as I approached him blocking me with his arms. He knew my intentions.

"Stop my dad will be here any minute." He giggled as I pushed passed. Grabbing his waist and kissing his neck on his scent gland. He let out a little teasing moan. "Travis your such a pervert."

"That's your fault" I said playfully continuing my horny kisses to his body. "Just a little more" I pleaded my hands itching into his clothes.

"Travis" He moaned whiney making me proud. I pushed him away from the stove pinning his back to the counter. "Travis" He looked up at me pouty. It was too cute the faces he made sad. Or whining. I know I shouldn't like those faces the most. But just seeing him cry made me want to pinch his cheeks. And kiss his lips to comfort the sensitive little omega. I went right back to his neck as he held my shoulder. "Ah Travis your such a-" His moaning increased as I bite down. "Ooh Travis" He finally gave in turning his head to give me more access. He squeezed my shoulders and squirmed cutely with every moan. But we both froze at the sound of the keys opening the the door. Him immediately pushing me off. "Travis you idiot you got my horny pheromones everywhere you idiot." He scolded me whispering as I chuckled. Looking at the hickey I just left as he stomped to the door sassy. I followed as he opened the door. Immediately hugging his precious son. "Dad!" He cheered cutely he too cute. As the pulled away his father looked to his belly a hint of sadness to him.

"How far along?" He asked.

"2 and a half months." I said making him look at me with a simple nod. Before going back to question his beloved son. He really doesn't like me.

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