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'They ain't like us'



"Hugo! Sar!" I called but no one came. It was spookily quiet kinda worrying me about the kids. They're never that quiet.

"Stop worrying" Giancarlo tsked taking a seat on the couch. "Your too fucking cute with that shit." I blushed smiling shyly as I walked over to cuddle with him.

"Are they asleep?" I asked trying to be quiet. He smirked pulling me in by the waist he held my waist.

"No they're with my tia. Why you so worried? Cute ass thing." I blushed at his words as he spanked me. Making me whimper as I immediately got shy burying my head in his neck.

"Baabbbe" I whined smacking at his chest lightly. He pushed me back on the couch roughly making me gasp. In shocked feeling a electric chill travel through my body eroticly.

"Let me kiss up on this body." I nodded shyly looking down at him. Kissing and sucking on my hips and waist.

"Oh Carlo" I moaned for him giggling and blushing under his body.

"I'm gonna eat you up" He gritted against my skin slowly pulling up the stringy fabric sweater to reveal me. "Just take this off" He said clearly sexually frustrated. I nodded giggling as I pulled myself up almost colliding faces with him I smile. I giggled a bit as he stared into my eyes me pulling the fabric off as he demanded. "Stop being so cute" He groaned pushing me back down as he kissed on my neck. Hands pulling at my dragon crop I blush. I was shy to be naked around Giancarlo. What if I don't look as good as he thinks or wants. I mean all his ex's have such small thighs. Call me jealous but I was looking through the few ex's I know of his insta's. And they're almost twigs. I'm kinda chubby. I wouldn't say fat but still.



Dominenico has thick ass thighs. The most beautiful thighs I've ever seen dark smooth skin. Feeling him harden against my thigh me with him. It was perfect and so was his thick little body laid out perfectly in front of me. I felt nervous like it was my first time. Like if I was the one who's never touched another's naked body before. I don't know why things with Dom felt like that. Everything was just different when it came to him.



Vicente kissed down my neck making me giggle as I pushed him back.

"I want to get you naked." He gritted going to my ear. I giggled again pushing the big alpha away.

"Pervert I'm holding your child and still all you think about is sex." I scold him smacking at his arm. I wasn't confirmed pregnant but I like being a hard ass to him. We took a test but it came out unconvince so we're gonna wait a week or two till we take another.

"Uugh I'm sorry is it my fault my baby mama looks like this. If you weren't so god damnn cute I wouldn't think about getting you pregnant all day." He scolded me like it's my fault he's a perv.

"Shut up stupid" I smacked him giggling. "Your dumb what are you trying to have quadruplets." I joked.

"Fuck yeah" He joked back licking his lips grossly and humping me on the bed playfully. He climbed on to my side still on the bed. Playfully humping and trapping me. I couldn't stop laughing at my stupid husband's weird ass. Squirming in his strong leg hold.

"Get off me weirdo" I laughed smacking at him. He grabbed my hands pinning me to the bed from my side.

"No" He laughed making me lose my breath from laughing so hard. He was so weird sometimes my stupid ass husband. The door creaked open revealing Amelia's nosey ass mugging us.

"What the fuck are y'all doing? Weirdo's" Vicente tsked climbing off as I blushed.

"Mind yo business girl and get yo self back to bed." He scolded her playfully as she smirked crossing her arms.

"Fine but you better be careful with yo baby mama and my niece." She turned stomping off as Vicente tsked.

"Telling me to be careful with my baby and wife girl get the fuck on." He said walking back to the bed. I broke out laughing at his weird ass sitting up as he came to my side. Cuddling as I wrapped him in my arms around his neck. "This my shit I'll be as rough as I want." He said grabbing at my ass and waist roughly. He was just being playful but I couldn't help but moan at the rough touch. "Mine" He chuckled pulling me closer and spanking my ass in just panties.



After he left me some hickeys and took off all my clothes he just left. I guess to jerk his boner off but why. He literally undressed me. He could be making love to me right now. He knows that, right? I mean he has to I laid myself out for him fully and I was literally naked. I didn't want to get too dress just in case he changed his mind about not taking my virginity. So I just put on the shorts chest completely nude. And waist one piece of clothing away from also being nude. Just in my swimming shorts well Xan's. I made sure my boner wasn't precuming all over the fabric. Because of course these ain't mine. I should probably change before I bust a nut on Xan's shorts now that I think about it. I slipped the shorts off walking over to his dresser fully naked. He walked back in making me turn my head as he literally eye banging me. Making me a little more frustrated than I'd like because he could be actually banging. He walked up chuckling as he grabbed my waist. I couldn't help but pout frustrated and horny him kissing my cheek.

"Your still naked?" He asked with a chuckle. "You look too good" I turned back to him crossing my arms as I walked into his arms. I was still kinda not used to being so naked in front of someone.

"Then why don't you want to make love to me?" I asked he immediately chuckled at that. Finding it funny how sexually frustrated I was. He tsked seeing I was actually scolding him.

"You want me to take your virginity-" I cut in before I could even see if he was gonna keep going.

"Yes" I cheered my hands coming up to cup his face blushing. I was a little too excited making me blush.

"Well right now?" He kinda chuckled at my enthusiasm with the yes. I mean I don't know why he thinks it's a bad time. Is he scared or like nervous?

"Well if you don't want to-" I turned opening his underwear drawer to dress. Cut off once I felt his cold hand cupping my waist. Shiver ran down my back with just knowing he's on back of me.

"No I want too" His pants fell the sound of the fabric and belt hitting the ground making me a deeper red. I could feel it even though it wasn't pressing me. Yet as he brought his other hand to hold the other side of my waist. I gasped feeling him in his thin boxers. "Let's go to the bed." He kissed the back of my ear sending an unreal electric through me. As I nodded allowing him to lead me by the hand to his bed.

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