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'Only You'


Ivan immediately embraced Dylan who opened the door.

"Baby mama" He cheered making the omega laugh hugging back. He sees Travis immediately letting go to hug him. "Baby daddy" He cheered this time making Travis roll his eyes as he embraced him. Travis still patted his back tho looking at me.

"Thanks dude I could see he's drunk off his ass." He dabbed me up over Ivan.

"Cutesy outfits oww are you guys dating?" Dylan asked Dom nodding as he looked at his incoming belly.

"How far along are you honey?" Dom asked him smiling sweetly with his eyes closed.

"2 and a half months right daddy?" He asked Travis who nodded. Taking out a picture from his phone as Ivan leaned on him. Showing us a picture of them at the clinic taking a pic of the ultrasound.

"That's him" He pointed to the baby in the black and white pictures. Even though it looked like nothing to me. Dom immediately became soft awwing.

"Oh my God so sweet I want one." He whispers the last three words making me blush as I looked down at him. He better be talking about my babies because he's not letting anyone else impregnate him. That's literally mine.




Once we got home Carlo wasn't hungry anymore. He was horny. I sat on his lap facing the TV as I put on something not to get interrupted again. He attempted to take my panties off having no luck as I sat on his boner. He tsked deciding to undress my top half off just like he forced my pants off. He pulled my shirt off as I played some generic ass hip-hop song. I giggled turning as he immediately lifted me laying me out on the bed as he loved my body. I held his head gently as he kissed anywhere he pleased. One hand holding my panties I know he wants them off. I should tell him he can take them his grip was telling me he was sexually frustrated by it.

"Alpha alpha" I called pulling his face to look at me. "You can take them off." I said into his ear making him chuckle as he attacked my neck. Immediately getting rid of the panties at my words.

"Wow omega" He admired my body making me blush. As he lifted my leg up to get a good look at my hole. He's such a perv didn't even ask.

"Alpha prepare me before you enter" I remind him taking him out of his daze on my body.

"Fuck baby I ain't got no lube or condoms." I blushed not even thinking about it. It's alright I won't get pregnant right it's my first time. They say you'll only for sure get pregnant if they put a knot in you and your fertile. I am so hopefully that won't happen. 

"Just don't cum in me." I giggled pulling my leg down.

"Please I'll buy you a morning after pill." He bugged making me blush as he pinned my knee to my chest. Turning me on my side to cup my ass.

"Fine even though I'm pretty sure I have to buy them." Nah I'll just get some from my sister. She for sure has them. He grin leaning forward to kiss me as his boner lined up to me.

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