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'a toxic explosion'



I was kinda on a natural high right now. I was just so happy Ernesto stayed with me all weekend. Even now he's walking me to class hand in hand. I was nervous we never walked together like this. I could feel his heart pulse against mine through our veins.

"Hey after school can I take you to un cena clásica?" He asked sweetly making me giggle. I nodded very excited. Un clásica short for una cena clásica de hombres a Mexican restaurant we both love. His mom would take us as kids. I had a birthday there. I haven't gone in awhile because it wouldn't feel right without him. So I was so happy he was kinda taking me on a date there. This is a date right? Yeah it has to be. "Kay trust me I'll win you that care bear this time." I rolled my eyes because he's been trying for years. "I will" He pouted seeing my doubt.

"Sure sweetie" I say sarcastically kissing his cheek.



I was waiting at Dom's locker wanting to get home already. Leaning on the locker looking through Instagram planning on making Dom like anime so we can start the seven deadly sins. I know I'm late but I want to catch up to Zachary's bitch ass. Before he spoils everything. Meliodas is a menace I've just been seeing memes of him on insta. I looked up seeing Dom come in view but I wasn't expecting to see another student walking with him. It was a soccer player he had a uniform on. I stood up seeing the two lost in conversation. I didn't like the giggling, the cute smile on Dom's face. And that fucking grin on that ugly mother fuckers face. I walked over immediately stopping the two in they're tracks.

"Who are you?" I asked the other alpha. He mugged me like he wasn't the one talking to MY boyfriend.

"He's just asking if I can tutor him Mrs. He-" I cut him off.

"Nah sorry dude he's busy with me." I threw my arm over Dom's shoulder.

"Um sorry Malachi I d-don't think I can tutor you." Dom apologized cutely.

"Bruh" He bitched stomping away. Dom pouted making me roll my eyes. Why this dude even give a fuck that he's sad? That's about to set me off.

"Why you acting all weird with another dude?" I took my arm away making him frown. I felt bad but honestly I was mad. Like he's been weird as fuck right now.

"I'm not Carlo" He whined hugging my arm cutely. I didn't give in looking away. "Carlo~" He practically begs whiney as fuck for my attention as I shrugged him off. Walking back to his locker "I just met him today." He tried to reason as I open his locker so we can just go.

"Get your books" I demanded not even looking at him as I turned my back to him. He did it walking to my side after and hugging my arm from the back. It was cute but I'm still kinda mad. So I shrugged him off making him whine. I walked ahead out the door him following closely.

"Babe.." He sniffled sounding as if in tears. I immediately turned seeing puffy eyes I felt guilty. And I've never really feel that. I mean I've done a lot of shitty things.

"Come here" I opened my arms him immediately wobbling in them. I kissed his head rubbing his back. "I'm sorry" I whispered into his head. Honestly so low and pathetic but he still accepted immediately. Like the sweetheart he is.

"Me too, I should've known that would make you uncomfo-" I cut him off before he began a ramble kissing his sweet little plum lips. He alway wears the same strawberry chapstick.



We stopped at Marv's so he can change real quick. He wants to look all cute. I love it. Would it be to soon if I asked him out right now? I mean we just spent a wonderful two days together. Maybe I should wait after we chill just so I can treat him before. And win him that stupid fucking sunshine bear. Stupid little asshole is just impossible but with the power of ten bucks I'll win him. I got to.



Hanging with Zachy is legit so fun he just gets me. But I was terrified once I noticed school was over. We had to dip before my papa got home. There's so many things he'll be mad about. Zach being a alpha, me skipping, me fucking zooted as fuck. He'll literally kill me.

"Hey let's go do something." He nodded standing up from the couch with me as we gathered our shit.

"I'm tryna eat how about you?" He said as I locked my door. I nodded along actually hungry as fuck too.

"You just read my mind. Un cena clásica?" He immediately nodded at my suggestion making us high five in excitement. I giggled at the cute alpha. He just gets me.



I sat on the edge of the bed calling Zachary again for thousandth time. He wasn't answering and last I saw him was at lunch. I groaned once the line went dead again. Why isn't he answering? Vincente sat at my side with a sigh a plate in hand as he pulled me to his lap with the other arm.

"Baby chill he's probably having the time of his fucking life." Vincente found it funny I was worried but that's my brother. If Felipe's not serious then I don't want him getting hurt. My brothers always been easily manipulated by omegas and my dad. That's why he's the only one who talks to him. He's just sweet and loving. Once I fucked this stupid bitch up named Gino because hoe got with my brother just to get his boyfriend jealous. Then his little boyfriend tried fighting my brother. And honestly I've never seen him fight till that day. He didn't want to but once he punched him he couldn't back down. It's an alpha pride thing. He wasn't bad but Vicente did have to jump in at the end because Zach started bleeding and shit. Zach's not bad but he's not good either. My brother's just not a regularly violent person. So if that bitch hurts him I'll hurt that stupid little tramp so fucking bad he'll never even think about hoe with someone again.

"He could also be getting violently murdered too." He chuckled at my words like I'm playing putting the plate down at the side of my bed. He pulled me closer wrapping his arms over mine as he took my phone. I calmed in his arms just the pheromones alone having that effect. He kissed my cheek a bit as he went to YouTube on my phone. I smiled once I saw what he was putting on. He so fucking cheesey. He's lucky he got a good voice. He literally sang to me and I knew this was the man I want to have babies with. Plus he's a good dancer.

"Eres, La culpable de estas ganas, De esta obsesión que nunca se acaba, De mi locura por tu mirada, Eres, Lo que faltaba, lo que esperaba," He rocked me a bit as I held his arms back. We're both pretty tired had just gotten mamas to sleep. So nothing was better than cuddling up in his arms. So warm and comfy. "La perfercción en una mirada, Eres la estrella que no se apaga" He still makes me all flustered. Ugh I love him so much. I turned in his lap kissing his lips making him immediately set his attention on me from singing.

(Song- Christian Noodal, eres)

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