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'This is for life'



Me and Ernesto dipped after eating. Marvin practically kicking us out.

"Kay dude I got practice cya." We waved at each other going our separate ways. I walked home missing Dom. He needs to study I kept reminding myself.

"GC!" I looked up seeing Mina and Emily. I dabbed Mina up even though she's kinda annoying Emily's worse.

"Where's your cutie?" Mina asked.

"Yeah are y'all like serious?" Emily said twirling her hair around.

"Yeah of course he's studying right now." I explained.

"Oh come on y'all ain't that serious. I mean he ain't even that fine." I glared at the two not expecting me to get serious when they're insulting my omega.

"Bitch are you blind. At least he doesn't have that big ass nose plus look at you bitch your flat. Mines got the fattest ass I've ever seen." Mina snickered a bit

"Shut up GC you literally hit you weren't saying I was flat back then. Why you trying to act hard?" Emily snickered with her. "You know you busted as soon as I put it on my tongue." I blushed but I wasn't about to let her keep going. I mean I didn't even bust that quick.

"I got me an upgrade now Mina. I don't fuck with sluts anymore." Mina wasn't the type to get hurt fast.

"Oh yes bring Dom around the guys and watch him get gangbanged like your last tutor." I blushed as the two laughed like hienas. I didn't want them talking about Dom like my past. Because he was nothing like the rest. Not like Andriana, not like Enzo and not like Ezekiel. He was perfect ass little Dom. He's gonna be my wife. "I'm happy you think that bitch loves you because once he sees what you really are he'll dip. Find himself a real man and get himself some real dick just like all the rest." That what they don't get Dom isn't like the rest.

"You don't know shit." I waved her off going to leave.

"Don't worry dude I'll let everyone know Dom's looking for a real man to get fucked for real! I'll have the whole school on it!" She yelled to me all ghetto as I just walked away. I was trying to ignore it. I mean Dom would never but just the thought. I couldn't let someone else love him. And not just sex wise. He's all mine in every way and I love that. No one else can experience that for themselves.



"You see that's where you were failing and now you got it all down. Good job." I've never seen Marvin smile but it was sweet. I got out my seat hugging the strict bossy but helpful omega.

"Thanks Marvin your the best. I don't know why I hated you." I giggled a bit at that. I mean we'd argue literally everytime we talked.

"It's okay I hate you too." I pouted separating from the tinyer omega.

"You do?" I ask and he rolled his eyes.

"No I wish" He pushed me off grabbing his books and leaving a tip. "Anyways let's go do something. Since my boyfriend's at practice I need some company." I thought about how much I miss Carlo but he'll be fine. I have been kinda clingy.

"Okay where too?" I interlocked our arms as I skipped us out. Him not skipping with his emo ass.

"Umm I need to do a bit of shopping. Usually Ernie goes so now you have too." I groaned as now he was taking the lead to a market place. It looked expensive and organic which meant boring. At my market I could at least catch a fight while getting myself some eggs. It was outside Marvin pulling out a big sun hat so much bigger then him it was adorable. Clearly prepared it was adorable.

"Aww that's cute where'd you get the hat?" I asked

"Umm I don't know actually Ernie got it for me." I awwed at the two. Ernie seemed like a good guy especially the way he treated the mean little omega.

"Oh cute how long have you been seeing each other?" He blushed at that.

"A week" He whispered as my eyes widened. I was confused I mean since forever they've been kinda close. I thought they've at least been dating since middle school.

"For real?" He nodded putting some tomatoes in a bag. He only picked the juiciest biggest redest ones.

"Yeah but it feels like we've been for centuries. I mean he's basically my husband." I giggled at that because clearly it did. I mean Ernie does this boring shit with him he's gotta love him. Plus he just deals with the little ones anger and bossyness so well. They're adorable.

"Aww that's adorable" I gushed

"How about you and umm I forgot his name sorry?" He said turning back to the fruit as I pouted.

"Giancarlo we've been together for a month 2 weeks and 3 days." He looked back at me eyebrow raised.

"Do you tell everyone the exact days like that or are you just funny." I pouted again he was so mean sometimes for such a little tiny person.

"Why? Is it weird?" I asked.

"Mmm yeah a little" He turned back walking to the avocados. I pouted following after the mean midget.

"Your the only thing little around here." I mumbled but still making sure he heard. He snapped his head back.

"Fine then it's a lot of weird." He huffed now picking out the soft black one. He really knew which were perfect.

"So I like knowing we're going strong even now. Probably even stronger then the beginning." At first he didn't let me in but I didn't notice till he started too. Letting me watch his siblings and spend time with his parents which both told me they had to force him to do with his ex's. He showed me off proudly now and I was happy to be so valued.

"Your a month in baby of course you are." I glared at the little guy pushing his arm a bit. "I'm just kidding. I mean I thought Giancarlo was kinda umm.. like not that into you at first." I pouted him immediately trying to take it back. "But clearly he does I mean I didn't expect him to like be so supportive." I rolled my eyes a bit. No one gets Carlo they think they know him and that he's rude. But no one really knows the alpha he's a gentle man child who's actually way more mature then anyone would expect. He's literally a babysitter watching his siblings and cousins. And sometimes thoughs badass neighbors. They all love him he's really a great person. "I'm sorry it was just my initial response." He kinda tapped my shoulder a bit. I huffed just blowing it off. I mean most didn't take back they're words or thoughts on him.

"I know he seems one way but he's the sweetest and he treats me good. I hate that people doubt his love for me." He nodded along.

"Well as long as you both know it there then what's they're to prove." I smiled at that nodding.

"Your right. I just hate the way they look at me like I'm some stupid omega falling in love with some asshole." Marvin kinda chuckled at that nervously. Probably his initial thought too.

"Well you're not. Your the smartest omega in the whole school. Besides me of course." He turned back to his shopping as I gasped. Following after to protest.

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