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'you're a liar'



I took Dom to an ice cream shop after. Since I still felt like an asshole for getting mad over nothing. We're heading to his house since his parents (well mom and stepdad) weren't home. He wants me to meet his sister and he said his step brother might be there but he's annoying. Hopefully he ain't some annoying ass kid because I can't stand loud mouth ass kids. We walked into the front for the first time in a while.

"Stella!" He called excitedly running into the hall. The end door opened her running out and to the living room excitedly.

"Omg where is he?" She looked over Dom to me squealing. "Oh my God he's hot" Dom glared a bit super cute hitting his sister's arm. "Huh Dom you've never done that before." She gasped. "Y'all must be really into each other." She teased him the omega walking back over to me with a blush. He grabbed my hand leading me to the couch her coming too. "Soo what do you like about my brother?" She asked lil Dom looking up at me with big curious eyes. Too fucking cute.

"Everything" I said looking down as I immediately went red. Looking away from the omega who buried himself in my side.

"Aww that's just too cute." She teased her brother again as he sat up pouting at her.



Giancarlo went to use the restroom. Mitchell coming home and sniffing the air a bit. Fuck he can't know. What if he tells?

"It fucking stinks in here. Ugh who'd you bring in here whore?" He asked Stella clogging his nose.

"Bitch I'm not the one who slept with that fishy smelling ass cheerleader on the fucking couch gross ass." Ugh here we go again. My first time bringing someone home and they're gonna embarrass me. And it just had to be my boyfriend too. Alpha's hate other alpha's smell when they're a threat to them. Which I don't know why Mitchell thinks he is they've never met before.

"Bitch you really want to start right now." He rolled his eyes still clogging his nose with two fingers.

"If you do bitch I follow up you know that." She rolled her eyes opening her phone. Probably to see who she could leave with.

"Whatever hoe. You." He turns to me. "I need this done or I'm not going to passing so have fun." He put a math pack on my lap.

"What the fuck" Stella said mugging him.

"This is like a hundred papers" I whined.

"I know tough right." He started walking away but I had to stop him. I couldn't do this even if I wanted to. I had to cram for finals, get my English and social grade back up. And tutor Giancarlo.

"I can't Mitchell" I stood trying to hand it back to him. He turned staring me down intensely. Reminding me why I've been spending so much time with my boyfriend.


"What you just call him?" He looked behind his shoulder seeing Giancarlo. I had to diffuse the situation.

"Nothing he-" Mitchell cut me off scoffing.

"Who's this your boyfriend?" He looked at me a bit then back to GC. He was a bit taller then Carlo. "I called him a bitc-" He said getting closer to Giancarlo not knowing how much of a mistake that was. Till Carlo cut him off socking him silent. Stella stood up almost happy cheering. I didn't like this though I didn't Giancarlo fighting especially not someone I had to see everyday at home. Mitchell wasn't doing to good and I felt bad. Fuck I should've just let him walk away. I'd deal with the consequences later.

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