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'Let's talk about babies'



Ms. Gomez forced me over which I would've came either way. But she made sure I did Xan accidentally telling her about our baby. Before we even took a test. Now I know Mrs. Gomez hates me but why I'm not sure. I'm hoping to change her view on me but I can't find a babysitter for the kids. I know she thinks I leave them on Xan so I want to show her I love him even without them. If that makes sense. At the end I couldn't even find a babysitter. With my mom going through a dipolar and chronic depression episode. And my usual go to Mrs. Sevoka a nice old Russian women who used to watch me. But she hates the kids calling them evil. I told her they got better but she didn't believe me. Fuck it I'm just gonna have to do my best to show her I'll be a good husband to her son. I knocked on the door toddler on my back, diaper bag on my arm. And baby in the stroller. Amelia and Eduardo followed me closely but argued. I was too busy worrying to get involved in the bickering. Once I knocked it was immediately opened by my omega. A huge smile on his adorable face. I know he's pregnant or something because he's just be ten times happier. He was always smiling and giggling and just over all more playful. He's got to be pregnant with my baby.

"Aww why didn't you tell me you were on the way stupid. I would've gone to help you." I rolled my eyes.

"Babe I've been pushing these kids around since I was like nine." I scoffed pushing the stroller inside. Well not all them but Eds and Ame. He pouted crossing his arms.

"I don't care your my husband now you don't need to do it alone." I couldn't help my heart picking up going around the stroller to kiss his lips deeply. He immediately went to Delaria holding onto my back. Kissing the toddler in his arms cheeks. I smiled following the action as the baby squirmed and giggled.

"I feel more in love with you every day." I whispered into his ear making him shyly hit my chest. As Amelia and Eddie closed the door going to the couch. Mama sensed Xanthon's presents whimpering inside the stroller. I went around unstrapping and scooping her up. She looked to Xan smiling still sleeping she just laid on my chest half asleep.

"Mamamamama" She whimpered out snuggling her face in my shoulder. She did it more sleeply since she wasn't crying. Xanthon and me gasped.

"Oh my God did she try to say mom?" Xan gushed skipping to my side.

"Yeah I teach her say mama to you." Delaria explained giggling. She was really too smart for her age.

"Did you teach her daddy?" I asked.

"No she baby. She only say dahdah not even wight." Me and Xan both smiled at the little toddler. Laughing to each other about the cuteness.

"Well teach her babe don't w-" He was cut off by his mother clearly her throat. "Oh mom come say hi."

"Kid's hello" She waved with a smile to the kids on the couch and babies. "Vicente" She glared at me not very greeting. I smiled nervously waving back as Xan put his hands on his hips. Putting Candelaria down gently and smoothly.

"Mommmm" He whined.

"Okay" She rolled her eyes a bit. "Hey Vicente" She tried nice but I still felt weird. I don't even know why she acts that way with me.

"Hey Ms. Gomez" I greeted. Maybe if I cook for everyone she'll like me more. You know like see me differently than just some bad kid that knocked up her hot son. "So umm would it be cool if I cooked the meal?" She kinda scoffed.

"You wanna cook? For everyone?" I hated how she was out right doubting me.

"Yeah is that good." I said raising my brow as she nodded letting me by she moved out of my way. She really is just straight up rude to me. You know what I can't even talk I got her son pregnant.




Dylan didn't go to school. He said he just was tired all the time and didn't want to go without me. I love spending all my time with him tho. It was good for seeing his progression in his pregnancy. And I heard it helps grow a bond with me and the baby. Dylan was cuddling to me cutely till he got bored teasing and poking at my print in my tight boxers. I tried to ignore him playing a game on my phone with one hand as the other held him to my chest. I don't know why this little niggas always tryna get dicked. He's literally pregnant.

"Why you tryna get twins all up in you?" I tsked turning the phone off and smacking his ass. Of course his psychotic ass giggled with the roughness. Trust me he likes to be treated rougher then that. He's a little freak.

"Twins would be cute." He giggled climbing under the sheets. There was no stopping him as I propped myself on my elbows. Him removing the boxers and immediately grabbing the semi erect boner. "Ugh Travis get harder for me asshole." He whined jerking up and down sloppily before starting to bob up and down. Erotically licking and sucking as my dick hardened on his tongue.

"Fuck" I groaned throwing my head back. Shit he was so good. That's why this little mother fucker has to be mine. He's everything I've been wanting in life. And I know he wants to be with me too he's just a fucking bipolar brat too. He popped off my dick pulling the blanket fully off. So I could see his pretty little self get down. He giggled blushing a bit.

"I want you to watch." He mumbled all cute as he went right back to work. I knew that though he's my little attention whore. He worked his self moaning and groan as he suffocated himself on my shift. I held his curlys pulling him off to stare into his watery eyes. He pushed the little amount of precum I released onto his lips knowing it just got me more riled. Why does he gotta be crazy like that? He's too fucking fine. I couldn't stand looking at the cute little face all dirty. As I pushed his head back down on my now fully erected dick. Loving how he immediately just got back to it.

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