Police Station Offer

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I look at Ruby who fidgets her thumbs nervously. I look back at the blonde who's tapping on a tablet. 

Ruby: *quietly* "Why do you think we're here?"

Y/N: *in contact* "No clue. Let me ask."

I hijack her earpiece.

Y/N: "Why exactly are we here?"

She jumps looking around for me.

Blonde: "Who said that?"

Y/N: "Me, Y/N L/N."

Blonde: "How did you gain access to this channel?"

Y/N: "My secret. Now answer me, why're we here?"

Blonde: "There's someone who wishes to speak with you."

At that moment an older man walks into the room holding a cup and tray of cookies.

Man: "Ruby Rose. A pleasure to meet you."

He takes a seat across from her.

Ruby: "Do I know you?"

Man: "Not yet."

He slides the plate of cookies to her. She takes several glances between them and the old man.

Man: "You may have one."

Seeing that it's okay she begins inhaling them.

Y/N: "Slow down. It's rude to stuff your face."

She stops wiping away the crumbs. She then eats them at a much slower pace.

Man: "Do you know who I am?"

I access the national database.

Y/N: "Ozpin. Headmaster of Beacon Academy."

He looks around.

Ozpin: "Who said that?"

I make his scroll buzz. He looks at it.

Y/N: "That'd be me."

Ozpin: "And just who are you?"

Y/N: "Y/N L/N."

Ozpin: "And how is it you came to access my scroll?"

Y/N: "It's not just your scroll."

I make every electronic in the room go crazy. The look on their faces are priceless.

Ozpin: "Amazing."

I cease the lightshow reinhabiting Ruby's contact. 

Ozpin: "Tell me miss Rose. Are you still in school?"

Ruby: "Yes. But only for another three months. After that I actually plan on joining Beacon."

Ozpin: "How would you like to join early?"

Ruby: "How early we talking about?"

Ozpin: "As soon as tomorrow."

Ruby smiles from ear to ear.

Ruby: "I'd love to join your school."

Ozpin: "Terrific."

He hands her a card.

Ozpin: "The pickup location is on the card. Be there no later than eight."

Ruby: "I won't."

She leaves the police station.

3rd POV

As Ruby leaves Glynda sands next to Ozpin.

Glynda: "What're your thoughts?"

Ozpin: "He's the one."

Glynda: "Think he'll help us?"

Ozpin: "Uncertain. You know what happened last time he blindly helped someone."

Glynda: "So what do we do?"

Ozpin: "For now let him have fun. If he's to help us then he's gotta be willing."

Glynda: "But we're running out of time."

Ozpin: "I know. But if this' to work then everything needs to be perfect. If something goes wrong then we'll lose. More than we can ever begin to imagine."

They both show a concerned look, fearing the future.


Ruby slides her chair to her computer typing on the keyboard. Meanwhile I hijack the main system.

Y/N: "We've got exactly twelve hours before our new life at Beacon begins. What shall we do?"

Ruby: "I was hoping to tweak on Crescent Rose before we left."

Y/N: "Shall I set an alarm?"

Ruby: "Yeah. Six should work. Plenty of time to get everything ready."

Y/N: "Very well. While you do that I'll see what I can do about project Alpha."

Ruby: "You're really gonna do it huh?"

Y/N: "Yes."

Ruby: "But aren't you content with what you've got now?"

I look at my body which's resting on the shelf.

Y/N: "Yeah. But I feel as though there's a lot of room for improvement."

Ruby: "If you say so. Just try not to go overboard."

Y/N: "Like you did with Crescent Rose?"

She puffs out her cheek crossing her arms. She then hmphs while looking away from me.

Y/N: "Oh come on, don't be like that."

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