City Of Shion

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When the sun rises we continue on our way to Haven. As we walk Ruby matches pace with me.

Ruby: "So what's the next town?"

I look ahead.

Y/N: "By the looks of it, it's a little place called Shion."

Jaune: "Shion, really?"

Ruby: "You know that place?"

Jaune: "You could say that. My family and I used to visit there all the time."

Nora: "What all did you do?"

Jaune: "Mostly just hiking and camping. When we did camp I got my own tent because I was special."

We all look at him. He rubs the back of his head.

Jaune: "Also so my sisters would quit braiding my hair."

Nora: "Wasn't a fan of the look?"

Jaune: "All they ever did was pigtails. But I think a warrior's wolf tail suits me best."

Ruby: "That's just a regular pony tail."

Jaune: "I stand by what I say."

We giggle.

Ren: "Uh guys?"

We look and become shocked seeing the great Shion as nothing more than smoldering remains. 

Jaune: "Let's check for survivors!!"

We run into the destroyed village. I look for any signs of life when Ren calls us over. It's then we see a man barely clinging to life.

Ren: "What happened here?"

Man: "Bandits. They came... and wrecked everything."

Ruby: "Why?"

Man: "Said they... were looking for someone. Someone... who knew... how to use the pillar."

Jaune: "What pillar?"

Man: "The pillar... of eternity."

Everyone huddles up. 

Ruby: "We've gotta get him to the next town. If we leave now then his chances will be better."

Nora: "He might not make it."

Jaune: "He will. He's gotta."

I scan him. It's then I see a rib puncturing his heart.

Y/N: "He's not gonna make it."

They look at me. The man's head then slumps as he passes into death.

Nora: "Should we at least bury him?"

Ren: "We should just leave. It's not safe here."

We begin walking out of the village. Eventually we come to small village by the name of Higanbana. Renting a room everyone goes to sleep. Meanwhile I sit at the desk scanning my systems. 

Y/N: "Nothing seems to be out of the ordinary. So why did my eye start glitching out?"

I cease my scanning sighing. But that's when I hear a voice.

Voice: "Y/N."

A chill runs down my spine. I look at the others to see them still asleep. I look at my hands which lightly shake.

Y/N: "Who, or what, was that?"

I shake my head clearing away my thoughts. Having enough action for today, I enter standby mode. When I boot back up I head with the others back down the road towards Haven.

Nora: *deep exhale* "New day full of new adventures."

Ruby: "What're we doing today?"

Jaune: "Walking."

Nora: "With a side of?"

Y/N: "More walking."

Ruby: "Man, Haven is a lot farther than I thought it'd be."

Ren: "Just out of curiosity, just how long did you think this journey would take?

Ruby: "No clue. This' the furthest from home I've ever been."

Ren: "Right. But how long?"

Ruby: "Uh... couple weeks?"

Y/N: "Not by a long shot."

Rub: "Okay fine maybe three. That's besides the point."

She then points ahead.

Ruby: "What's that?"

We look seeing the tops of buildings.

Y/N: "Odd. The map doesn't show a town for another couple days."

Nora: "Are those buildings... damaged?"

Ruby: "Let's check it out."

We enter the ghost town. Upon doing so we discover the buildings aren't destroyed. Just either unfinished or not even started.

Nora: "What is this place?"

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