Interspace Dancing

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I enter my body hovering off the shelf. I then look forward to see Ruby putting the finishing touches on her outfit. When finished I admire her outfit.

 When finished I admire her outfit

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Y/N: "You look amazing."

She blushes.

Ruby: "Thanks. You not dressing up?"

Y/N: "Kinda can't wear anything."

She hmms. She then walks into the closet pulling out a bowtie.

Ruby: "This should do."

She walks to me putting on the bowtie. When finished I look at myself in the mirror.

Ruby: "Not bad, if I do say so myself."

We walk to the dance. Getting there we see Yang at the door.

Yang: "Looking good you two."

Y/N: "You look decent."

She rolls her eyes.

Yang: "Come on in."

We walk inside as she crosses off our names. Going through the doors we see the place jam packed with students.

Ruby: "Was there always this many students at Beacon?"

Y/N: "More than half are students from the other academies."

Ruby: "Ah. I see."

I look around when I see Penny being guarded by two Atlas soldiers. 

Y/N: "I'm gonna go dance."

Ruby: "Okay."

I eject from my body hopping into Penny's system.

Y/N: "You gonna dance?"

She smiles.

Penny: *in head* "I would. If these guards would let me."

Y/N: "Why won't they?"

Penny: "They're under strict orders to monitor me. I'm to not leave their sight for even a second."

YN: "Then thank Oum I know a way around that."

Penny: "What is it?"

Y/N: "You might feel a slight pinch."

I envelop her consciousness. I then transport us to a black void. I look forward to see a green orb manifesting.

Penny: *through orb* "Where are we?"

Y/N: "It's like a subspace within my programing. Here we can do anything."

I mold the area to an empty dancefloor. Putting on some music I hold out my hand.

Y/N: "Care to dance?"

She smiles grabbing my hand.

Penny: "I'd love to."

I pull her close as we begin dancing.

Penny: "So not only can you create environments, but bodies too."

Y/N: "Yeah. Tricky part was deciding what I wanted to look like."

She looks over my custom body.

Penny: "Well you certainly picked a winner."

Red hits my cheeks.

Y/N: "Hey Penny?"

Penny: "Yes?"

Y/N: "I'd like to ask you a question."

Penny: "Ask away."

Y/N: "What're your thoughts on me?"

She looks at me.

Penny: "What do you mean?"

Y/N: "I mean how do you view me? Do you see me as an AI? Or... something else?"

She stops dancing looking into my eyes.

Penny: "By base definition you are an AI."

I look to the side. She tilts my head locking our eyes.

Penny: "But I know you're more than that."

She places her hand on my chest.

Penny: "You've got the heart of a man. It beats with emotion. I can feel it."

She cups my cheek.

Penny: "I know it may not feel like it. But you're more than just some simple program. You've shown far more emotion and life than a line of ones and zeros. You're as alive as anything in this world. And there ain't nothing in this world that'll change that."

I smile leaning into her touch.

Y/N: "You really are the best friend someone could ever have."

She smiles rubbing my cheek with her thumb. A soft atmosphere surrounds us. We then find ourselves leaning closer to each other. Right when our lips are inches apart a ding is heard.

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