First Class

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The sun rises bringing on a new day. I hijack the room lights turning them on.

Y/N: "Rise and shine everyone."

They groan covering up with their blanket.

Yang: "It's too dang early."

Ruby: "What time even is it?"

Y/N: "Seven o'clock. Time to get up."

Weiss: "Let us sleep for at least another ten minutes."

Blake: "Make it forty."

They go back to sleep. I hijack the intercom for the room. I then blare an alarm scaring them out of their beds.

Y/N: "Glad to see you all awake."

They all narrow their gaze. They then all get dressed for the day. Once they are we all head to our first ever class.

Port: "Monsters, demons, prowlers of the night. The Grimm may be known by many names. But to me they'll be only prey. You too shall refer them as such upon your graduation. Now as you know Vale is among the four kingdoms that offer us a safe space in a dangerous world. A world filled with creatures whose only desire is to tear you apart. But fear not. For that's what we're here for. Huntsmen and Huntresses."

He winks at Yang.

Ruby: "Ugh, gross."

Port: "These're individuals who've sworn their lives to the protection of the people that call this world home. From what you ask. Why the world itself. That's your goal here. To fight for that cause. But before we get into how to do that, I wanna share with you a story. When I was but a lad..."

I hear scribbling. Looking down I see Ruby making a crude drawing of Port. I snort when Port clears his throat.

Port: "The point of this story is that a Huntsman must be wise, well versed and able to think on the fly. Who among you believe they embody these traits?"

Weiss: "Me sir."

Port: "Then come down and prove it."

She leaves the room. She then comes back armed with her rapier. She stands opposite a cage with red eyes shinning through the bars. 

Port: "Let the match, commence!"

He fires his double bladed axe blowing away the lock. A Borbatusk runs out towards Weiss. It attempts to gore her but she spins avoiding its attack. As it passes by she slices its side. It drifts facing her again.

Ruby: "Hang in there!"

The Borbatusk snorts kicking up the ground. The two opponents rush at each other. Upon colliding Weiss gets her rapier stuck between the Borbatusk's tusks. They engage in a game of tug of war.

Ruby: "You're not doing so hot."

The Borbatusk yanks Weiss' rapier out of her hands before tossing it away. It then headbutts her across the arena. 

Port: "Now what will you do without your weapon?"

The Borbatusk tucks into a ball rolling at Weiss. She rearms herself creating a glyph. The Borbatusk crashes into it getting thrown onto its back. Weiss launches herself off another glyph. She comes in skewering the Borbatusk's belly ending the fight.

Port: "That was an... interesting match. Seems you do indeed have the makings of a great Huntress. I'm afraid that's all the time we have for today. Be sure to go over tonight's readings and to always be on alert. Class dismissed."

When the bell rings Ruby catches up with Weiss.

Ruby: "You did good in there."

Weiss: "I trained. But going off what happened in there I say you could to."

Ruby: "What's that mean?"

Weiss: "I appreciate your tips. But they could use some work. With some help you'll make a fine leader."

She smiles.

Weiss: "I'd be more than happy to help you if you'd like."

Ruby: *smiles* "I'd like that very much."

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