Continent Of Anima

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I trudge through the wilderness of Anima looking for the target. I look at the ground to see pebbles moving.

Y/N: "Heads up."

The others withdraw their weapons. I wait when my systems go off. I turn seeing a Petra Gigas jump off a cliff. It lands before us ready to rumble. 

Jaune: "How do we do this?"

Y/N: "Split up. Give it more targets. "

I run towards the Petra Gigas. Aiming my arm my hand splits open revealing a barrel. I fire launching blasts of energy at the Petra Gigas. It looks at me bringing down its fist. I strafe to the side dodging its attack. Ruby backs me up by firing in its blind side.

It eyes her with fury. It then brings down its other arm. This makes it cross its arms allowing Ren to run up them and slice the mask in the center boulder. It stumbles back before falling onto its back.

It gets back up more angry than before. It stomps the ground. A burst of air is sent out blowing the others back. I deploy spikes from my feet anchoring myself to the ground. I smile making the Petra Gigas narrow its eyes.

Y/N: "That the best you got?"

It slings its arms launching the boulders forming them. I wave my arms swatting the boulders away. The Petra Gigas recalls the boulders only to throw them again, repeating the cycle. I growl narrowing my eyes. 

Y/N: "Stupid hunk of rocks."

I bring my arms together. They fold and combine into a weapon. I smirk as my cannon fully assembles. It powers up as the Petra Gigas readies its boulders. It throws them. I fully smile firing my cannon. 

The blast tears through the Petra Gigas' boulders obliterating them. It hits the Petra Gigas ripping apart its body. When the blast calms down barely anything remains of the Petra Gigas' body. I return my arms to normal smiling.

Y/N: "Too easy."

We return to the village where we see the monk waiting for us. 

Monk: "Were you successful?"

Ruby: "Yes sir. The Geist is no more."

Monk: "Thank you. You have no idea how much good you've done."

Jaune: "Just doing what's right."

Monk: "Still. I just wish there was more we could pay you."

Ren: "What we agreed on is more than sufficient."

We bow heading to the local blacksmith. There Jaune's handed a new set of armor. He slips off his old one.

Jaune: "Out with the old. And in with the new."

He equips his new armor set.

Y/N: "Lookin good."

Blacksmith: "Gotta say. It's my best work yet. Be sure to take good care of it."

Jaune: "I will."

We exit the village walking down the road. 

Jaune: "Inventory check. Food?"

Nora: "Check."

Jaune: "Water?"

Ren: "All canteens full."

Jaune: "Ammo?"

Nora: "Locked, stocked and loaded. Thank you SDC."

Jaune: "Map?"

Ruby: "Nora has it."

Nora: "No I don't. Ren does."

Ren: "Nope."

Jaune: "Please tell me you didn't lose it."

They chuckle nervously. I smile rolling my eyes. 

Y/N: "Aren't you guys lucky you've got me?"

I pull up a map of Remnant.

Y/N: "Follow me."

I lead us down the road towards Haven. When the sun sets we make camp. I take watch when my left eye statics. I blink trying to clear it. It persists making me take off my glasses and pat the side of my eye.

Y/N: "Come on."

A reboot bar loads. When it fills my sight returns to normal. I hmm.

Y/N: "What was all that about?"

I shrug going back to keeping watch.

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