Downtown Vale

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3rd POV

Everyone's scroll is sent a video. Pressing play a massive snicker is heard throughout Beacon. On the video is Cardin dressed like a woman, makeup and all.

Cardin: "Damn I'm beautiful."

He strikes several poses in front of a mirror.

Cardin: "Oh yeah. I'd do me."

He then kisses his own reflection. Laughter erupts all over the school.


Cardin lowers his scroll. I smile seeing his wrath ready to blow. His fury amplifies as all the students point and call him all the names in the book. 

Cardin: "I'm gonna kill you!!!!"

He grabs me. I deploy spikes impaling his hands. He screams in pain. It's amplified as I send lightning coursing through his body. An electrical explosion erupts sending him flying back. He flies going out the cafeteria window. We then heard a massive thud. I smile looking at the rabbit.

Y/N: "You okay Miss?"

Velvet: "Velvet. And yes. Thank you."

Y/N: "Just doing the right thing."

She hugs me.

Velvet: "I wish there were more people... or things, like you in this world."

She breaks the hug as we head to our dorms for the day. A couple days later I walk with my team down the streets of Vale. 

Weiss: "The Vytal Festival. What a truly wonderous occasion this'll be."

Ruby: "What gives Weiss? I've never seen you smile this much before. It's honestly kinda creepy."

Weiss: "I'm concerned you're not smiling. There's gonna be everything from parades to even a full scale tournament. Oh the amount of planning is enough to make me wanna faint."

Yang: "And now tournaments are boring."

Weiss: "Oh be quiet."

Ruby: "Why're we even at the docks on a Friday. We should be enjoying our day off."

Weiss: "Because supposedly students from other academies are set to be arriving today. And as a proud Vale representative it's my duty to welcome them here."

Blake: "That or you just wanna spy on them so that you can be made aware of their fighting style."

Weiss: "You can't prove that."

I do a quick scan.

Y/N: "You heartrate has increased. You're scared. That means it's true."

She pouts looking to the side.

Weiss: "Jerk."

Ruby: "What happened there?"

We look to see a store that's surrounded by cops. We walk there.

Ruby: "What happened?"

Cop: "What's it look like? Someone robbed the place."

Cop2: "They took only the dust again."

Cop: "Just doesn't make any sense. Who in the name of Oum would need that much dust?"

Cop2: "You thinkin the White Fang?"

Cop: "Yeah I'm thinkin we ain't paid enough."

Weiss: "White Fang. Why'am I not surprised?"

Blake: "What's your issue?"

Weiss: "I could simply care less for those that think it right to break the law."

Blake: "They're just voicing their discontent."

Weiss: "That may be the case. But there's other ways of doing that other than breaking the law."

Sailor: "Stop him!!!"

We look to see a Faunus boy running away from some sailors. 

Yang: "There goes your visitor."

Weiss: "We must study him!!!"

Y/N: "And there's confirmation."

We run after him. I pull ahead getting closer to the boy. But as I round a corner I bump into something.

Y/N: "Apologies. I wasn't watching where I was going."

Girl: "That's quite alri-"

We lock eyes going silent.

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