Down By The Docks

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Penny and I keep searching for Blake. But our efforts are rewarded with dead ends. Pretty soon the moon takes the sky.

Y/N: "It's been hours and we still haven't found her."

Penny: "Cheer up friend Y/N. True we may not have found her. But we still have tomorrow."

Y/N: "Eh you're right. Now's not the time to throw in the towel. Plus there's always hope she'll just come back."

The ground shakes.

Penny: "Was that an earthquake?"

I scan the net.

Y/N: "No. But there's something going down at the docks."

Penny: "Then let's go help."

We make our way there. When we arrive we see White Fang everywhere.

Penny: "Sure is a lot of them."

Y/N: "Yeah."

Penny: "How you wanna do this?"

I scan the battlefield.

Y/N: "This body doesn't really have offensive capabilities. So do you mind?"

Penny: "Mind what?"

Y/N: "If I integrate myself into you."

Her cheeks turn red for some reason.

Penny: "S-sure."

I integrate into her systems. I set to work boosting them. She looks at her hands.

Penny: "Such power."

Y/N: *in head* "Ready?"

Penny: "Born ready."

She hops down joining the fray. She deploys swords which glow with energy.

Y/N: "Behind you."

I take control of two swords. I make them fire a laser taking down two White Fang members. 

Penny: "Incoming."

She forms a ring with her swords. She then sends them out taking down a row of gunmen. I look up seeing a bullhead readying a minigun. I use two swords to pull us to safety. Penny aims all of her swords at the bullhead. I amplify their output. The laser easily tears through the bullhead cutting it in half.

Penny: "Nice work."

Y/N: "It's not over yet."

She looks spotting a bullhead trying to make off with a shipping container of dust. She sends her swords into the bullhead's side. Its engines rotate making it start to take off. I take control of two swords planting them into the side of a building. Slowly I reel in the string allowing Penny to pull the bullhead. 

Penny: "It's working."

The bullhead cranks its engines to the max. Penny begins sliding. 

Y/N: "Think you can hold it?"

Penny: "Sure."

I hijack the bullhead. I take full control making the bullhead tilt.

Pilot: "What the hell!?!"

Passenger: "What're you doing!?!?"

Pilot: "I'm not doing anything! We've been hacked!!!"

I thrust the control stick to the side. The tail goes crazy clipping a building and breaking off. The bullhead hits the ground with a hard thud. I reintegrate with Penny as she recalls her swords.

Y/N: "That seems to be the last of them."

Penny: "And just in time too."

We then see cops starting to arrive. A ping is then heard through Penny.

Penny: "Shoot. I gotta get going."

I get back into my body.

Y/N: "Will I see you again?"

She smiles.

Penny: "Of course."

A message comes through.

Penny: "This' a private line. Meaning my watchers won't be able to see it. We can use it to keep in touch."

She kisses the top of my head.

Penny: "See you around friend Y/N."

She walks away entering a limo. I smile as it drives off.

Voice: "There you are."

I turn seeing Ruby.

Ruby: "I was wondering where you got off to."

Y/N: "What're you talking about? You ditched me."

Ruby: "But I see it was for the best. Mr. lady killer."

She smiles repeatedly raising her eyebrows.

Y/N: "I don't know what you mean."

Ruby: "Sure you don't."

She walks away. But not before speaking just loud enough.

Ruby: *singsong* "Y/N and Penny, sitting in a tree..."

Y/N: "Shut your mouth!!!!"

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