The Scorpion, The Crow And The Robot

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Qrow backs me up slicing Tyrian's side. He screams in frustration knocking us away. Tyrian aims his guns opening fire at us. Me and Qrow run opposite ways to avoid the gunfire. We come back around bringing our blades down on him.

Tyrian: "No you two don't."

He learns leaping into the air. He then lands on a roof once more opening fire at us. Qrow launches himself onto the roof. They then run down the roof. Meanwhile I chase after them from the ground. 

Tyrian turns around aiming his guns at Qrow. I however leap getting above him. I slam my bade down which he blocks. But the impact makes the roof give way dropping us into the building. I shake my head when Tyrian looms over me.

Tyrian: "It really is a shame you don't have your full memory. It'd make you helping us far easier."

Y/N: "I wouldn't dare help you or whoever you work for."

Tyrian smiles.

Tyrian: "Oh Y/N. You always were so innocent. Just a shame it won't last much longer."

Y/N: "What're you talking about?"

Tyrian: "Times are changing. Pretty soon history will repeat itself. And this time, you will make the right choice."

He brings down his stinger. I double kick his chest sending him out of the building. I walk out of the building seeing him get covered in wall debris. I walk to him when a gunshot is fired. I duck avoiding the shot. But something slices my thigh. I look to see Tyrian in my face.

Tyrian: "I got you."

He jams a needle into my neck. A strange liquid is then pumped into me. I take out Tyrian's legs. When he's in the air I grab his neck slamming him into the ground. 

Y/N: "It's over."

Tyrian: "For you."

My left eye glitches out again.

Tyrian: "So it begins."

I impale his side taking him down. I shake my head trying to calm my eye. It finally ceases allowing me to relax.

Y/N: "That can't possibly be good."

I join the others as they surround Qrow.

Ruby: "So what're you doing here uncle Qrow?"

Qrow: "I needed to make sure you kids were okay."

Jaune: "Why?"

Qrow: "You're gonna wanna sit down for this."

We exit the village setting up camp in the woods. We then sit around the campfire, waiting.

Jaune: "Alright. Tell us everything."

Qrow: "How well do you kids know your fairy tales?"

Ruby: "About as well as we think we do. Why?"

Qrow: "Because one of them, is actually true. The story of the tinkerer."

Nora: "I know that one. It's about a man who was obsessed with perfecting life. He made machines that'd hopefully help him solve life's problems."

Qrow: "Correct. But what the stories don't tell you is that all that inventing lead to his downfall. See his greatest wish was overcoming death. To escape the only guarantee in this world. Through the years he made hundreds of machines that'd hopefully help him achieve his goal. Then one day he made it. The pillar of eternity."

Ruby: "A man we met mentioned it. What exactly is it?"

Qrow: "Not much is really known about it. Other than it supposedly allows anyone to go beyond the mortal realm. Granting them the ability to be anywhere, at any given moment."

Ruby: "Is something like that even possible?"

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