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Weiss sticks her rapier into bullhead's floor. It's coated in ice. It the crashes into the ground causing a big crater. When we slide to a stop the ice disperses allowing us to move.

Yang: "What the heck happened?"

Pilot: "Stupid Nevermore took out our engines."

Pilot2: "Thank Oum for that ice of yours."

Y/N: "Is anybody hurt?"

Ruby: "I don't think so."

Blake: "I think I sprained something."

Weiss: "Slight headache. But still standing."

We all exit the bullhead. It's then we presented with the carnage unfolding before us. Grimm are invading the streets of Vale, tearing everything to pieces.

Weiss: "How on earth could this have happened?"

Ruby: "I don't know. But right now it's up to us to stop it."

She unfolds Crescent Rose cocking her back.

Ruby: "Fan out and help anyone you see. And kill any Grimm you encounter."

They nod activating their weapons. We then break to help contain the massive Grimm invasion. I hijack Crescent Rose as a sleuth of Ursai make their way to us.

Ruby: "Shall we try our new upgrade?"

I smile.

Y/N: "Oh yeah."

The bottom half of Crescent Rose detaches. I take control shifting her into a small robot. I then deploy two guns cocking them back.

Y/N: "Ready?"

Ruby: "Born ready."

The sleuth roar getting closer to us. I fire a ball of lightning into the center of the sleuth. It goes off electrocuting the Ursai. They scream in pain. But they're quickly silenced by Ruby rushing through them as rose petals slicing off their heads. When she stops all the Ursai fall fading to dust.

Y/N: "Nice job."

I look up and go wide eyed seeing a Nevermore heading for her.

Y/N: "Look out!!!"

I open fire at the feathers. Most are blasted away. But some manage to come down on me. My body is sliced open. When the last feather is destroyed I combine guns transforming them into a cannon.

Y/N: "Die!!!"

I launch the blast. It collides into the Nevermore blowing it to pieces. I smile when a roar is heard. I look down the street to see a King Taijitu slithering its way to us.

Y/N: "You've gotta be kidding me."

Ruby: "I got it."

She rushes to it as rose petals. It spots her chasing after her. I fly towards the King Taijitu. I transform my cannon into a long spike. I enter the King Taijitu's mouth. I keep going traveling all the way down its body. It hisses in pain as I breach through its heart. I eventually come out the white head's mouth. I look a the King Taijitu to see it fade into dust.

Ruby: "That was awesome."

I smile when a final roar is heard. We look to see a Deathstalker is all that remains.

Y/N: "Wanna take it down together?"

Ruby: "Yeah."

I reattach to Crescent Rose making her whole once again. Her entire body shifts turning into a rail gun like device. I push her to the limit making her emit a loud hum.

Y/N: "Your shoulder ready?"

Ruby: "Yep."

I smile.

Y/N: "Fire!"

She pulls the trigger. A massive bolt of lightning is fired. It whistles as it soars towards the Deathstalker. Upon contact the Deathstalker roars at the top of its lungs. The shot easily tears through the Deathstalker traveling through its body. It exits making the Deathstalker emit a gurgled roar. It then falls over dead.

Y/N: "Nice shot."

Ruby: *smiles* "Thanks."

She soon winces grabbing her shoulder.

Ruby: "Ooooooh that hurts!!! I couldn't hold it!!!!! Please for the love of all that is holy, make the pain stop!!!"

Y/N: "You didn't brace your shoulder, did you?"

Ruby: "I thought I could handle the recoil!!!"

Y/N: "Well you thought wrong."

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