Heading Out

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The sun rises bringing light to the lab. I inhabit Ruby's computer to find her still sleep.

Y/N: "Ruby. Time to get up."

She groans turning her head the other way.

Ruby: *sleepily* "Five more minutes mom."

I narrow my eyes. I then blare an air raid siren through the lab speakers. She screams falling out of her seat onto the floor.

Ruby: "Hey, what's the big idea!?!?"

Y/N: "It's time to get up."

Ruby: "I still have an hour."

Y/N: "No, you don't. It's seven fifty. The airship arrives at eight."

She springs to her feet.

Ruby: "Why didn't you say so!?!?!?!?!"

She bursts into rose petals exiting the lab. A couple minutes later she returns shoving various lab equipment in her bag. 

Y/N: "You have three minutes."

She sighs.

Ruby: "I'll have to come back for what's left."

Zipping up her bag she heads out the door. Meanwhile I enter my body hovering into the air. I fly before landing in her partially opened backpack. We then join Yang as she looks at us.

Yang: "Bout time you showed up. Was starting to think you'd get left behind."

Ruby: "Oh hush."

She spots all of our bags.

Yang: "Think you packed enough?"

Ruby: "I have to make sure I have enough equipment to make a fresh lab at Beacon."

Yang: "A new lab? That just sounds expensive."

Ruby: "It is. But thankfully most of the equipment will be what I already have here."

Yang: "You ever think about dropping all of the fancy lab stuff? Maybe try joining a club or something?"

Y/N: "Don't listen to her. She doesn't know what she's talking about."

She rolls her eyes.

Yang: "And you're bringing him I see."

Y/N: "Oh come on, you know you love me."

Yang: "As if."

Ruby: "You guys really need to start being nice to each other."

Yang: "Like I've been saying for the past five years. I'll be nice when he apologizes."

Y/N: "And like I said. I won't apologize until you admit it was funny."

*flashback 3rd POV

In the Xiao Long/Rose house we see Yang hoping out of the shower. She hums to herself looking in the mirror. She then picks up the hairdryer when the lights flicker. 

Yang: "What's going-"

The lights go out. A buzzing noise is then heard. When the lights come on Yang looks at her reflection. Her eyes widen seeing the damage.

Yang: "My hair!!!!!!"

*end of flashback*

Yang: "It took my hair three months to regrow by the way."

Y/N: "So? I regret nothing."

Ruby: "Hey look, the airship."

Said airship lands allowing us to enter. Once everyone has we begin making the flight to Beacon. 

Ruby: "Wow. The view's amazing."

I hover out of the bag looking out the window.

Y/N: "It's not everyday you see Vale like this."

Yang: "Ain't that the truth."

Ruby: "Hey look, there's Signal. Guess home's not that far after all."

Yang: "Beacon's gonna be our home now."

I turn around to see a hologram of that blonde from the police station.

Blonde: "Hello."

Yang: "Who's that?"

Glynda: "My name's Glynda Goodwitch. And all of you have been personally selected to attend the great Beacon Academy. While our world may be in a time of peace, it's your duty as budding hunters to maintain that peace. You've shown the skills to for this task. Therefore it's up to us to provide you the training to complete this task."

Her hologram disappears as the airship lands. We're then let out to enjoy the beauty of Beacon Academy.

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