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We look to see a ginger girl riding in on the back of an Ursa. It then falls over dead.

Amber Eyes: "Did she ride in on an Ursa?"

Y/N: "It does seem that way."

We hear a smack. That red haired girl lands at our feet.

Yang: "Great. Now we can all die together."

Ruby: "Not if I have something to do about it!!!"

She rushes headfirst at Deathstalker.

Y/N: "Ruby wait!"

Like expected she gets swatted away getting robbed of her weapon. She chuckles nervously while picking herself up.

Ruby: "Don't worry. I'm okay."

She looks at the Deathstalker as it brings its stinger down on her. I hijack Crescent Rose rushing towards Ruby. I use her blade to catch the Deathstalker's stinger.

Y/N: "What would you do without me?"

She smiles as the Deathstalker roars. I open a compartment. A small barrel springs out. It fires a blast of lightning making the Deathstalker back up. We then hear a squawk. A Nevermore lands reeling back its wings.

Y/N: "Get down."

I root Crescent Rose. I then deploy her shield as the feathers are launched. The feathers ricochet hitting the trees. The two Grimm roar becoming angry. 

Ruby: "We need to leave."

Y/N: "On it."

I hijack everyone's scroll.

Y/N: "Listen and listen closely."

Ginger: "Oum, is that you?"

Y/N: "I'm gonna cause a distraction. When I do I want you to grab a relic and be ready to run. Ready?"

They all nod. I fire a shell at the Grimm. When close it goes off blinding them with light.

Y/N: "Now!"

They snag a relic and haul ass back to Ozpin. Ruby holsters Crescent Rose as I repossess my robot body joining them in running away.

Y/N: "That won't hold them back long."

Weiss: "Then let's hurry."

We double our pace. We come to some ruins when a screech is heard. I look to see those blasted Grimm catching up.

Jaune: "What now?"

Y/N: "Thinking."

I think. An idea then hits me.

Y/N: "I'm sending out a plan. Follow it closely and we can win."

Their scrolls ding making them look at it.

Y/N: "Everyone good?"

They nod.

YN: "Then let's do it."

They split up to each do their part.

3rd POV

The two Grimm arrive at the ruins. But to their surprise they're the only ones there. They snarl looking around.

Y/N: "Now!!!"

Jaune and Blake come rushing slicing the sides of the Deathstalker. It hisses swinging its pincers. They jump behind cover making the Deathstalker roar in fury. But it's shut up by Ren running to it. He swings his guns slicing off its head.

Y/N: "Phase two!"

Ruby rushes in as rose petals. She goes around the Nevermore's legs several times. She zips up a tower standing over the ledge.

Ruby: "Now!"

Blake and Pyrrha pull a black ribbon. It constricts around the Nevermore's ankles bringing them together.

Y/N: "Yang, Nora!"

They grab ahold of the ribbon. Then using all of their strength they spin the massive Nevermore around slowly gaining speed.

Weiss: "I'm ready!!"

They let go launching the Nevermore towards the cliff. Weiss sticks her rapier into the side of the cliff. A massive chuck of ice manifests. The Nevermore slams into the ice severely impaling itself on the jagged ice. It emits a low squawk before fading into dust. The heroes then cheer at their victory.

Ozpin: "Jaune Arc, Pyrrha Nikos, Lie Ren and Nora Valkyrie. You've collected the white rook pieces. From today onward you'll be known as team JNPR. With Jaune as your leader."

They're replaced by Ruby and three others.

Ozpin: "Ruby Rose, Blake Belladonna, Yang Xiao Long and Weiss Schnee. You've collected the white knight pieces. From today onward you'll be known as team RWBY. With Ruby as your leader."

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