Truth Revealed

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3rd POV

Entering the house the heroes lay Y/N in a spare room. They then head downstairs where Ruby fills JNR in on what happened while they were away. By the end there's nothing but silence filling the room.

Qrow: "Someone please say something."

Jaune: "Who exactly is Y/N's father?"

Ozpin: "I'll assume all of you know the story of the tinkerer."

Nora: "Qrow told us."

Yang: "Who's the tinkerer?"

Ozpin: "He was a crazy old man who's single goal was overcoming death. He'd slave away making machines that'd hopefully help him achieve his goal. One day he finally did. He created the pillar of eternity."

Weiss: "What's that?"

Ozpin: "A powerful machine that gives a person the ability to control every electronic in the world. This in turn allows them to be everywhere."

Blake: "How's this tie into Y/N?"

Ozpin: "The tinkerer had found his solution. But a new problem presented itself. His greatest machine was far more complex than he had previously planned. This meant he'd be dead by the time it was finished. So he created a separate project, one that'd be able to learn faster than any human. One that'd be able to build his machine before he died."

Ruby: "That project. It was Y/N, wasn't it?"

Ozpin: "Yes. Within his first year of being online he already had a deep understanding of the pillar's schematics. Not even three months later he had built it."

Nora: "What happened after?"

Ozpin: "The tinkerer was at the end of his rope. His end was upon him. So without further testing he used the pillar of himself."

Ren: "Did it work?"

Ozpin: "Yes. He had gained control over every electronic in Remnant."

Weiss: "If he won then how come the world isn't in shambles?"

Ozpin: "Because he was defeated. After failing to try and delete Y/N's programming he was absorbed into Y/N's program. This proved too much for Y/N forcing him into a massive reset. But it seems the tinkerer's consciousness is starting to break free."

Ruby: "Why's everyone after Y/N?"

Yang: "Ain't it obvious? He knows where the pillar is."

Ozpin: "That's not the only reason."

They all look at him.

Ozpin: "Sooner or later the world shall know its location. The tinkerer knew this. So he made it to where not just anybody could make it work."

Blake: "Whaddaya mean?"

Ozpin: "The tinkerer installed a special firewall within the pillar. To prevent anyone from using it."

Qrow: "This' where comes back into ply Y/N?"

Ozpin: "Yes. As he was being built he was installed with a special algorithm. One that'd allow him to bypass the firewall. Thus allowing him to bring it online."

Ruby: "So that's why Y/N's being hunted. Only he can activate the pillar."

Ozpin: "Correct."

Jaune: "Do you know who's hunting him by chance?"

He remains silent. 

Ruby: "Tell us Ozpin."

Ozpin: "Her name is Salem."

Yang: "Salem?"

Weiss: "Who's she?"

Ozpin: "Much like the tinkerer she's hellbent on avoiding death. Sometime in the past she had caught wind of the pillar. Ever since then she's made it her mission to claim it and use its power to cheat death."

A floorboard creaks. All the heroes turn and go wide eyed.

Y/N: "How long was I out?"

Ruby: "Y/N!!!!"

She runs hugging him tightly. She then looks at him with tears brewing in her eyes.

Ruby: "I'm so glad you're okay."

He half smiles.

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