Greatest Invention

186 7 1

3rd POV

The camera comes on showing Harlow now clean shaven but with a sizable amount of white hair. He types on a computer when squeaking is heard. A tiny robot then wheels into view.

Y/N: "Father, look what I built."

Harlow slightly looks.

Harlow: "What am I looking at?"

Y/N: "My new body."

He spins fully showing off the robot body.

Harlow: "Why'd you do that?"

Y/N: "The TV offered little mobility. The range was also limited. So I used your forge to make this new body. Now I can go anywhere I want."

Harlow looks back at his computer. Y/N wheels to him looking up at the screen.

Y/N: "Whatcha workin on?"

Harlow: "The future."

Y/N: "What exactly is the future?"

Harlow: "Finding a way around death."

Y/N tilts his head.

Y/N: "Death?"

Harlow: "The end. Final call. What awaits everyone."

Y/N: "Even you?"

Harlow: "Yes."

His ankle is wrapped by Y/N's arms.

Y/N: "But I don't want you to die."

Harlow: "That's not up to you. Death cannot be avoided. It's the one certainty in life. At least for now."

Y/N: "What's that mean?"

Harlow: "I plan to cheat death."

He finally shows Y/N his latest invention.

Y/N: "What is it?"

Harlow: "My greatest invention ever."

He sets the schematic on the table.

Y/N: "How's that gonna help you cheat death?"

Harlow: "I plan to build a machine that'll let me upload my consciousness into a computer. Said computer will be connected to every electronic in the world. I would achieve pure existence. I would live forever."

Y/N: "How far into the invention are you?"

Harlow: "In the first phase. It's taking far longer than expected. At this rate I fear I'll die before it's complete."

Y/N: "What if I help you?"

He looks at Y/N.

Harlow: "You'd help me?"

Y/N: "Well of course. You're my dad. And I want you to be around for forever."

He smiles rubbing Y/N's head.

Harlow: "You may help."


The camera comes on. We see Y/N, now in a much bigger robot, typing on a computer. Panning behind him we see Harlow coming into view in a wheelchair. He stops as Y/N uses another robot to lift a metal beam up.

Harlow: "How goes it?"

Y/N: "Nearly complete. Just have to finish the code."

Harlow smiles when he begins coughing. He scrambles putting an oxygen mask on. He inhales deeply ceasing his coughing. He sighs lowering the mask.

Harlow: "I'm not gonna last much longer Y/N."

Y/N: "I know. I'm working as fast as I can."

Computer: "Code uploaded."

Y/N: "Time to begin."

He helps his father to a chair. Lifting him up Y/N leans the seat back to where Harlow is laying flat. Y/N then puts a headset on Harlow.

Y/N: "This' gonna hurt."

Harlow: "Just do it."

Y/N nods walking to the computer. He begins typing. The headset glows causing him to scream in pain. A blue glow travels through the headset tube into a server like device. Going to four lights the first one comes on.

Y/N: "Consciousness upload at twenty five percent."

He looks at Harlow who just screams at the top of his lungs. His skin now splits open as burns develop on his body.

Y/N: "I'm shutting it down!!!"

Harlow: "Don't you fucking dare!!!"

The second light comes on followed shortly by the third one. Y/N looks at the screen to see the upload three quarters finished. He looks at Harlow who's now convulsing with blood soaking his clothes. An electrical explosion erupts coating the area in sparks. Y/N smashes the abort button powering everything down. He then runs to Harlow.

Y/N: "Dad, dad can you hear me? Say something."

He only exhales slumping his head. Y/N lowers his head.

Y/N: "I'm so sorry."

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