Voice Of The Head

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My systems come online bringing the world back. I shakily get to my hands and knees.

Y/N: "I never... wanna do that... ever again."

Voice: "Oh come on. You know that was fun."

I look up and become shocked seeing an unknown figure.

Y/N: "Who the heck are you?"

He leans down to my level.

Voice: "It's me, the voice in your head."

Y/N: "How come I can see you finally?"

Voice: "Check for yourself."

I scan my systems. My eyes widen.

Y/N: "No. Fifty percent. How?"

Voice: "That tumble you took really sped things up. I told you not to push your body. Now here we are, at the halfway mark."

I finally get to my feet. I then look at the others who're just getting up.

Voice: *sarcastically* "Oh yay, they're alive."

Y/N: "Shut up."

Ozpin: "What'd you say?"

Y/N: "Nothing."

He gets close to me. He then looks into my eyes.

Ozpin: "You can see him, can't you?"

Y/N: "I don't know who you're talking about."

Voice: "So he knows about me. Wonder what else he knows."

Y/N: "Shut up."

Ozpin: "Leave Y/N alone."

Voice: "Piss off old man."

Y/N: "Shut up!"

Ozpin: "I know you're in there, poisoning his mind."

Voice: "I'm freeing his mind."

Y/N: "Be quiet, all of you!"

Ruby: "Y/N, what's wrong?"

Voice: "Listen to only me Y/N. I'm only doing what's best for you."

Y/N: "Leave me alone!"

Ozpin: "I don't know what he's telling you. But you can't trust him. He's only leading you where he wants you."

Voice: "It's not true. I'm trying to return what you lost."

Y/N: "I said be quiet!"

I cover my ears trying to drown out everyone. But I still hear that voice.

Voice: "Trust me Y/N. I'm not bad. I'm here to help you."

Ozpin: "Y/N."

I look at him.

Ozpin: "That voice is being dishonest. But I won't be. Therefore I'll finally tell you the truth."

I uncover my ears.

Y/N: "Tell me."

Ozpin: "The voice speaking to you... is your father."

The whole world goes silent.

3rd POV

Y/N's systems begin rapidly beeping.

System: "Memory banks restored."

Y/N clutches his head and screams as all his corrupted memories go flying by. When the last memory is displayed all of his systems crash making him fall face first into the snow. This makes Ruby and her team run to him.

Ruby: "What'd you do to him!?!"

Ozpin: "I returned his memories."

Yang: "Why isn't he moving?"

Weiss: "He's not... dead... is he?"

Ruby: "No. He can't die."

Weiss: "Then what's wrong with him?"

Ruby: "If I had to guess. He's just in rest mode."

Blake: "So what do we do now?"

Ruby: "We reunite with the others at Argus. From there we'll continue with the plan to Atlas."

Weiss: "What about Y/N?"

Yang and Ruby throw his arms around their necks.

Ruby: "We carry him. Now let's get going."

They walk towards a trail. Some time later Weiss looks up at the rapidly falling snow.

Weiss: "Snowfall's increasing. Meaning a blizzard is likely coming."

Blake: "Meaning we need shelter."

Yang: "But there's no telling when we'll hit a suitable place."

Ozpin: "If I may-"

Ruby: "No."

She looks over her shoulder at him.

Ruby: "Until Y/N wakes back up, you're to remain silent."

Squeaking then fills the air.

Weiss: "What's that noise?"

Ruby peers through the falling snow. She then points.

Ruby: "It's coming from that way. Come on."

She leads her team towards the noise. They eventually come across a small cabin.

Ruby: "There's our shelter."

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