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We exit the locker room heading to some cliffs. Eventually the other students arrive as does Ozpin and Glynda.

Ozpin: "For years you've trained tirelessly to become warriors. And today all of that training will be put to the test."

Glynda: "I know some of you might be confused on the rumors on teammates. Well allow me to end the confusion by saying that they're true. You'll be given teammates today."

Ozpin: "The teammates you pick will be with you until you graduate Beacon so be sure to pick wisely. However with that being said the first person you make eye contact with after landing shall be your teammate. Once you've received a partner make your way to the north end of the forest to retrieve a relic from the relic temple. When a pair has collected one head back here so that you receive a grade. Are these rules clear?"

Everyone nods. 

Ozpin: "Good. Now take your positions."

Ruby is the first to be launched. We soar through the air. When Ruby begins her descent she unfolds Crescent Rose hooking her blade on a tree branch. She spins twice before backflipping onto the ground. 

Y/N: "Nice landing. Solid eight outta ten."

Ruby: "Thanks. Now to find out which way is north."

I look around.

Y/N: "North is that way."

I lead us. About a mile in we come face to face with a girl with a white theme.

Ruby: "Hi. Guess you're my partner."

White: "Seems so. Shall we?"

Ruby: "Let's."

They begin following me.

White: *whispering* "So what's with the little robot?"

 Ruby: "That's Y/N."

Y/N: "Nice to meet you Miss Weiss Schnee."

Weiss: "You know me?"

Y/N: "I do. Not all that hard to not recognize an heiress."

Weiss: "What all do you know?"

Y/N: "About as much as you can find on the internet."

Weiss: "You have access to it?"

Y/N: "I do."

Weiss: "Where'd you come from?"

Y/N: "I do not fully know. But for a good chunk of my life Miss Rose here has tended to me."

Weiss: "You his creator?"

Ruby: "I suppose to a degree. I did craft the body you see."

Weiss: "Interesting. Did you study engineering?"

Ruby: "Sorta. Y/N played a big part in teaching me."

Weiss: "What else have you made?"

She unfolds her weapon.

Ruby: "I also crafted Crescent Rose."

Weiss looks her over.

Weiss: "What all does it do?"

Y/N: "Lots of things. From sending out electrical discharges to being able to be remote controlled by me."

Weiss: "Fascinating. You truly are skilled."

Ruby smiles.

Ruby: "Thank you."

She puts away Crescent Rose.

Weiss: "So how much further?"

Y/N: "Not much. We should be reaching the temple right about... now."

We push past some brush reaching the relic temple. Ruby and Weiss head to the relics snagging one.

Yang: "Dang. Looks like you beat me."

We turn seeing Yang arriving with a girl with amber eyes. Yang then snags a relic.

Yang: "Guess we should start making our way back now."

We hear screaming. Jaune then comes out of nowhere hitting the dirt face first.

Jaune: *in pain* "Note to self. Don't grab random lights."

We hear a crash. Looking to the side we see a red haired girl running with a Deathstalker right behind her.

Amber Eyes: "Did she run all this way with a Deathstalker behind her?"

Voice: "Yeeeeehaaaawwwww!"

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