Heart To Heart

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I think recalling my recent meeting with Ozpin.

Y/N: "Turns out Ozpin knows what's on my corrupted memory banks."

She looks at me.

Ruby: "Did he tell what it was?"

Y/N: "No."

Ruby: "Why not?"

Y/N: "According to him he doesn't think I'm ready for the truth. Thinks something bad will happen if he tells me now."

Ruby: "That's kinda mean. You deserve to know the truth."

Y/N: "I know. But..."

Ruby: "But what?"

Y/N: "I don't know why. But a part of me believes him. What if I'm truly not ready to know? What if something bad really does happen?"

Ruby: "Hey, don't speak like that. I know you're ready for the truth."

Y/N: "I wish I could believe you. But what if, just what if, I'm not meant to know the truth? Maybe it's for the best I remain in the dark."

She hugs me tightly.

Ruby: "You're conflicted. Questioning yourself. I get it. You're going through a rough time. But don't worry. I know, with all my heart, that you'll get through it. Sooner or later this issue will work itself out. And the best part is that you're not alone in this fight. I'm right here by your side. And I always will be. No matter what."

I sigh enjoying her embrace.

Y/N: "Thank you Ruby."

She giggles pulling me closer. Our moment is ruined by a twig snapping. Then before we can react the ground gives way dropping us into a black abyss. Ruby screams when I hijack Crescent Rose springing her out of her holster. I impale her blade into the wall. I then deploy a small line that wraps around Ruby's wrist catching her.

Y/N: "Don't worry. I got you."

Working together drop safely onto solid ground.

Ruby: "Where are we?"

Y/N: "I don't know."

I do a quick scan of the area. 

Y/N: "My systems tell me we're in a tunnel."

Ruby: "Weird. Why would there be a tunnel in the middle of the woods?"

She looks both ways.

Ruby: "Which way do we go?"

I do another scan.

Y/N: "I'm detecting a small air current coming from this way. Follow me."

I begin leading us. Eventually we come to a stone structure.

Ruby: "What is this?"

I examine the structure.

Y/N: "It's a temple. Scans date it to be several thousand years old. But no history books report a temple being here."

Ruby: "Undiscovered maybe?"

Y/N: "It's a high probability."

We investigate the unmarked temple. 

Ruby: "It's so weird. Something so old being right under our nose. Wonder who, or what was down here in this thing's heyday."

I look along the wall.

Y/N: "Found something."

Ruby joins me. It's then she spots the images I found.

Ruby: "Pictures?"

Y/N: "Yes."

Ruby: "Can you translate?"

Y/N: "It's hard to translate pictures."

I look spotting something scribbled under the pictures.

Y/N: "But thankfully this I can translate. It's old Atlesian."

I look over the phrases.

Ruby: "Well?"

Y/N: "It's a story."

Ruby: "Ooh. I love stories. What's this one about?"

Y/N: "Two beings. One of life, the other of death. Though they were opposites they were madly in love."

Ruby: "Aww."

Y/N: "They were the only form of life in what was once called the great void. But through their love they created all known life."

Ruby: "Wonder what happened."

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