Cordo Of The Airfield

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I look forward to see a woman well below average height walking to us.

Guards: "Introducing Caroline Cordovin."

Cordo: "Greetings."

Y/N: "Hey. Listen. We need to get to Atlas quickly. Mind being nice and letting us use a bullhead?"

Cordo: "I'd love to. But I'm afraid I can't. It's a long process to use a bullhead. You need to fill out the proper paperwork. Then there's the process of getting them approved."

Y/N: "How long would all of this take?"

Cordo: "Best case scenario. A month."

I grab the front of her coat lifting her up. I then shake her.

Y/N: "Are you kidding me!? We don't have that kinda time!! We need to get to Atlas as soon as possible!!"

Ruby: "Put her down Y/N!!"

Guard1: "Put her down!!"

He slams his gun into my stomach. I eye him with hate. I grit my teeth, why must people be so difficult? Can't they see the world is at stake?

Guard2: "Last chance. Drop her. Before I drop you."

He aims his gun at me. Ruby places her hand on my shoulder.

Ruby: "Y/N please, put her down."

I growl setting her down. I then begin walking away. I enter the house heading upstairs. I take a seat on the bed thinking. It's interrupted by a knock on the door.

Ruby: "Y/N, it's me. May I come in?"

I remain silent. She enters regardless. She then takes a seat next to me.

Ruby: "You okay?"

Y/N: "Just peachy."

Ruby: "You don't sound peachy. What's wrong?"

Y/N: "I just don't understand why the world is so insistent on standing in our way. We're trying to to save it. Yet it's acting like it doesn't want us to."

Ruby: "I know things might seem like they're not going our way. But have faith. Everything's gonna be okay. Just you see."

Y/N: "Nice optimism. But not everything's sunshine and rainbows."

She looks down.

Ruby: "I know. But if we lose faith then our enemy wins. Therefore we've gotta keep our head up. No matter what happens." 

She puts her hand on my back.

Ruby: "It's good to have a little faith. It brings us hope. Hope that everything will be okay."

I stand up. 

Y/N: "But nine times outta ten it only gets worse. It keeps getting worse until it all amounts to you laying down in your grave."

I begin leaving.

Ruby: "Where're you going?"

Y/N: "To take a walk."

I exit the house walking down the streets of Argus. I stare at all the people who are completely oblivious to what's really going on. They smile and joy enjoy their worry free life. I stick my hands in my pockets looking down.

Y/N: "Enjoy life. It won't last much longer."

I keep walking, with no direction in mind. I eventually find myself at the park. I stop looking up at a statue of a kid with a scarf. I look at their name plaque only to see it damaged from the elements, preventing me from knowing their name. I look back at the statue.

Voice: "Paying your respects?"

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