Escape From Argus

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The next day I climb a ladder. I focus the channel on Ruby.

Y/N: "So explain this plan one last time."

Ruby: "Cordo said it's a long process to take a bullhead. So we're gonna use the quick way."

Yang: "By quick she means stealing one."

Ruby: "Precisely."

Blake: "But the radar will alert her as soon as one hits the air."

Y/N: "Therefore it's my job to disable the tower allowing you guys to sneak one right out from under her nose."

Ruby: "You got it. How goes it by the way?"

I finish climbing the ladder.

Y/N: "At the top of the tower. Heading to main relay box now."

I kneel opening said box.

Ruby: "Good luck Y/N."

Y/N: "Don't jinx me."

I plug in my cable setting to work. I search through the multiple files when I hear a clank. I look only to not find anything.

Ruby: "What's wrong?"

Y/N: "Thought I heard something. Must've just been my imagi-"

I'm yanked away from the box. I then go over the railing falling towards the ground. I slam chest first into the ground. I stagger to my feet.

Voice: "You're more resilient than I gave you credit for."

I look seeing a man with red hair. I scan him.

Y/N: "Adam Taurus. Famed criminal and murderer. Known to despise humans. Making you a perfect fit for the White Fang."

Adam: "I'm touched that you know me. But I've got a score to settle with you."

He withdraws a red bladed sword. I deploy my own.

Y/N: "I do not wish to fight you."

Adam: "I do. You gotta pay for breaking my knee."

He rushes in clashing us into a stalemate.

Ruby: "What's going on? Why am I hearing fighting?"

Y/N: "Met some opposition. Dealing with it now."

Ruby: "Hurry up. Weiss is in the air. Won't be long until Cordo catches her."

I kick Adam in his chest knocking him back. I focus on the relay box. I begin shutting it down but Adam manages to slice open my side breaking my progress. He looks at his sword.

Adam: "No blood. What are you?"

Y/N: "Your doom."

I aim my cannon firing at him. He runs away. I groan running after him. I fire at him. He turns using his sword to take the shots. It then glows as he gives it a swing. A wave of energy is launched my way. I cross my arms to protect myself. 

The energy wave hits my body ripping through my clothes. When it subsides I look only to not find Adam anywhere. I scan the area when a bullet hits my back. I turn right as another energy wave hits me dead center. I go flying over a cliff landing on a stone bridge.

Systems: "Damage detected. Repairs advised."

Y/N: "Yeah. I detect them too."

I get to my feet. At that moment Adam rams his sword through my chest. I aim my cannon but he thrusts a dagger into the barrel. The blast is launched but backfires making the cannon implode taking it down. Adam aims his gun at my face.

Adam: "You've gotten weaker since our last fight. What happened?"

Y/N: "Does it even matter? You're about to kill me."

Adam: "Good point."

He cocks the hammer back.

Adam: "So long whatever you are."

With all my reflexes I grab the muzzle blocking it with my hand. A bullet plows through my hand. But this messes up its path making it graze the side of my head. Now spared I twist snapping Adam's wrist. 

He screams when I swing my cannon into Adam's jaw. His head turns until his neck pops. When it does he falls down unmoving. I sigh pulling his sword out. I finally get to my feet. I then look over where he stabbed me.

Y/N: "He missed my core, thank Oum. But this blow doesn't bode well."

Ruby: "Y/N, you finished with the opposition?"

Y/N: "Yeah. Shutting off relay tower now."

I focus. The tower goes offline. As it does the airship lands allowing me to load up with the others. I take a seat as we take flight.

Ruby: "Well guys. This' it. Homestretch."

Yang: "Next stop. Atlas."

Weiss: "Nothing can stop us now."

I smile when it's ruined.

Dad: "You didn't win. You've only made matters worse."

I scan my eye. 

Dad: "Look at that. Eighty percent with two weeks remaining. Won't be much longer till I'm free. Thank you Adam."

Y/N: "This doesn't mean anything. I still have a chance to win."

Dad: "Do you though? You keep fighting, knowing it only quickens my takeover. If I didn't know any better. I'd say you want me to take over."

Y/N: "I'm fighting to end you."

Dad: "And how're you gonna do that? My takeover is inevitable. You can't stop me."

Y/N: "I can end my own life."

Dad: "That'll just my the takeover instant. The second you're gone I'll be given control."

I look down.

Dad: "Like I said. You've lost. I'm gonna win regardless of what you do. I've won."

I clench my fist. 

Y/N: "Fucking damnit."

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