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I hang my head. The train then begins rumbling. I look up gritting my teeth.

Y/N: "Great. Just what I need."

Throwing on my glasses I head top side to find the others already there.

Y/N: "What's the situation?"

Ruby: "That."

She points as Manticores begin landing on the train roof. I run towards two Manticores. One brings down its claws in an attempt to cut me in half. I however slide under it. Deploying my cannon I fire blasting the Manticore to pieces. 

When it bursts into dust I roll to the side avoiding the claws of the second Manticore. It roars once again trying to claw me. I scramble backwards as the Manticore keeps trying to claw me. As it brings down its claws I fire my cannon behind me. 

I'm propelled forward stopping right under the Manticore. I punch its ribs making several crack. It yips but doesn't die. Looking down I see its snake tail ready to come down on me. I smile deploying Penny's sword. It pierces the Manticore's chest impaling its heart.

Y/N: "Got you."

It fades to dust allowing me to get to my feet.

Ruby: "Tunnel!!!"

I look behind me going wide eyed. I dive back into the train nearly hitting the cliff. I then regroup with the others in one of the passenger cars.

Yang: "These things are relentless."

Blake: "There's too many. Now matter how many we cut down, more just show up."

Weiss: "What're they after?"

I look out the window. I then look at one of the Manticores which's solely focused on me. 

Y/N: "I wonder."

I move down three windows. When I relook out the window I see the Manticore's eyes still locked firmly on me.

Jaune: "We need a plan."

Y/N: "I may have one."

Ruby: "What is it?"

Y/N: "Those Manticores. They're after me."

Nora: "Why?"

Y/N: "I don't know. But I say we use this to our advantage."

Qrow: "What'd you have in mind?"

Y/N: "I stay behind, keep the Manticores focused on me. Meanwhile the rest of you guys escape with the passengers."

Ren: "But that'll mean you'll be alone."

Ruby: "He won't be alone."

Her and her team join me. 

Ozpin: "I can't let you kids endanger yourselves. Therefore I'll be coming with you."

He joins us.

Y/N: "Alright. We've got our teams. Now let's save these passengers."

They nod setting to work. My team and I stand on the back cars. The Manticores roar landing before us. 

Y/N: "Now!"

Yang fires a blast that destroys the car coupling. The front cars begin pulling away. Yang joins us.

Yang: "There they go. Hope you know what you're doing Y/N."

Y/N: "I always do."

I deploy Penny's sword and my cannon. They others withdraw their weapons readying themselves. I rush forward beginning the fight. I spin avoiding a set of claws. In that spin I sever the owner's head taking them down.

Immediately I go into a duck dodging a set of jaws. I ram my cannon down their throat blowing their head to pieces. My systems go off making me roll forward. Swinging onto my back I impale my attacker killing them.

I fire below me sending me sliding under a bunch of Manticores. As I past each one I blow their head off. I come to a stop coming face to face with a Manticore Captain. They open their mouth sending their spiked tongue at me. I roll grabbing ahold of their tongue.

I spin them around. But it uses its lightning ability to electrocute me. While I'm stunned it spreads out its wings hovering in the air. It then roars readying a beam of lightning. I push past its electrocution running towards it.

Y/N: "No you don't."

I leap impaling its chest with Penny's sword. It hollers before falling out of the sky.

Y/N: "Crap."

I fall onto the tracks. I then can only watch as the train uses me as a speed bump. I get swept up under the train as it rag dolls off the tracks into the wilderness of Mistral. A wheel finally strikes my head making the world go black.

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