Atlas Bound

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I grit my teeth growing furious. So even if I destroy the pillar, I'm doomed to become my father.

Y/N: "Damnit."

Qrow: "If you've never seen Atlas before, now's your chance."

We walk to the front of the bullhead. Parting through the clouds we see the great Atlas.

Ruby: "What's that?"

We look up finding lots of airships.

Weiss: "That'd be the Atlas air fleet. But I've never seen them deployed like this."

Qrow: "It's like they're expecting a war."

Ruby: "See if you can hack into their comms."

I nod focusing. But I'm met with an error message. I scan myself seeing half of my systems have been locked. 

Y/N: "Father."

Yang: "Well?"

Y/N: "No good. They must be using some kinda jammer."

Ruby: "Gotta be really advanced to block you out."

Blake: "Wonder what they're doing."

Weiss: "Let's fly closer. Maybe we can find out."

Ozpin nods flying us through Mistral. It's then we see its street are completely empty.

Jaune: "Where is everyone?"

Ren: "I don't know."

Qrow: "What've you been doing here James?"

We continue to fly when the bullhead shakes. Lightning courses through the inside making everything go crazy.

Nora: "What's going on?"

Ozpin: "Systems are down. Prepare yourselves."

We grab ahold of something. The bullhead crashes onto the ground with a hard thud. We then come to a sliding stop.

Qrow: "You kids okay?"

Ruby: "Just dizzy."

Jaune: "I think I got a concussion."

We get to our feet. We then exit the bullhead.

Yang: "Wonder who shot us down."

We begin walking away. But Yang gets taken to the ground.

Yang: "What the heck?"

Everyone else begins getting taken down and restrained. I duck avoiding my restraints. 

Woman: "Not bad."

I turn seeing a tan skinned woman in shorts.

Woman: "But let's see how well you do against me."

She crouches down in a runner's stance. Lightning then cracks around her as she takes off as a blur. A right hook collides with my fist. I go to punch her but she disappears. A punch connects with my back. I swing my arm in an attempt to hit her but it misses.

Woman: "Too slow."

Another attack hits my ribs making me grit my teeth. I release oil through my feet covering the area. The woman hits it sliding towards me. I stick my arm out clotheslining her. Her feet go up allowing me to grab her ankle. Then with a spin I toss her into the side of a building.

Man: "You've got skill."

A man with a close shaved head appears. His hands are coated in light. I roll avoiding his left hand. With a leap I avoid his right hand. Coming down I slam my foot onto him. He however uses his light hands to block me.

Man: "That it?"

I smile opening my core compartment. I power it up. It releases emitting a bright flash of light. He screams holding his eyes.

Man: "My eyes!"

I sucker punch his stomach bringing him down. As he goes down something slams into my side. I go flying skidding down the road. I grab the road sliding to a stop. A woman with a large hammer makes herself known.

Woman2: "You fight well. But let's see how well you do against me."

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