Inner Team Fight

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The whole world slows down. Before me is the most beautiful girl in all of Remnant. I take in her full beauty. Everything about her is perfect. From her orange hair to freckles. 

Y/N: "Hi."

Girl: "Hello."

Y/N: "Are you okay?"

She gets to her feet.

Girl: "I am. Thank you for asking."

The others soon arrive.

Ruby: "Hello. Who're you?"

Penny: "My name's Penny. Penny Polendina."

What a lovely name.

Ruby: "Nice to meet you. I'm Ruby. These're my teammates Yang, Weiss and Blake."

She then points to me.

Ruby: "And this' my friend Y/N."

Penny: "Pleasure to meet you."

Y/N: "Pleasure's all mine."

Weiss: "It was nice meeting you. But we were in the middle of an important mission. Till next we meet."

Ruby: "See ya friend." 

We begin leaving. But somehow Penny gets ahead of us.

Penny: "What'd you call me?"

Y/N: "Now how in the heck?"

I scan Penny. But my eyes widen. Instead of fleshy bits I'm met with robotics. She's a robot, like me.

Ruby: "Who me?"

Penny: "You called me friend. Am I truly your friend?"

Ruby: "Sure, why not?"

Penny: "Sensational!!!"

She lifts Ruby into the air in a hug slinging her from side to side.

Penny: "I've always wanted a friend. I cannot wait to do all the things us normal human girls do."

She sets Ruby down who dizzily makes her way back to us.

Yang: "So what brings you to Vale Penny?"

Penny: "I'm here to fight in the tournament."

Weiss: "You're gonna fight?"

Penny: *salutes* "I'm combat ready!"

Weiss: "You hardly look the part."

Y/N: "Coming from the one who practically lives in a skirt."

Weiss: "It's a combat skirt for your information!"

Ruby: "Yeah! Combat skirts for life!"

They low five.

Weiss: "Wait a minute. If you're here for the tournament does that mean you know that no good law breaker?"

Penny: "The who?"

Weiss: "The criminal that came by boat."

Blake: "Stop that."

Weiss: "Stop what?"

Blake: "Calling him all these names. He's a person like us."

Weiss: "I'd hardly compare us to lowly criminals."

Blake: "You little brat."

She walks away.

Weiss: "What'd you call me?"

Now she walks away as they argue.

Ruby: "This cannot possibly be good."

Yang: "Agreed. This' just heading for disaster."

Penny: "Where we headed?"

We arrive back at Beacon. Weiss and Blake's argument starts to reach its peak.

Weiss: "I just don't understand how this' causing a problem."

Blake: "That is the problem. You're unaware of other people's problems."

Weiss: "You are aware that you're defending criminals right? People who're pure evil."

Blake: "There isn't such a thing as pure evil. People do bad things. True sometimes there's no reason. But other times they have reasons for doing what they do. And most of the time it's merely to survive. Not like you'd know anything about that."

Weiss: "What's that supposed to mean?"

Blake: "You were born into wealth. You had everything handed to you on a silver plater. You didn't have to work for anything. Meanwhile other people had to slave away just to make it to tomorrow. But you can't seem to understand that. Nothing is simple in this world. Sometimes you've gotta do what you gotta do."

Weiss: "You're sounding an awful like a criminal."

Blake: "Maybe I am."

They both narrow their eyes. Blake then begins leaving.

Weiss: "Where're you going?"

Blake: "Out."

She gets halfway out the door. She then looks over her shoulder.

Blake: "Just so you know, the White Fang are only voicing their discontent. There's only so much hate we can take before we show our fangs."

She exits the dorm fleeing into Vale.

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