Atlas Academy

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I stand up as the woman readies her hammer. It quickly transforms into a gun that launches rockets at me. I roll avoiding them. In the clear I make a mad dash for the woman. She swings her hammer which I twist to avoid. Grabbing the handle I elbow her nose. 

She grits her teeth when I kick out her legs. She however manifests some light roots anchoring herself to the ground. She smiles swinging her hammer into my chest. I grab her hammer when she transforms it into that gun.

Woman2: "Take this."

She pulls the trigger firing her rockets. They hit my chest causing a sizable explosion.

Ruby: "Y/N!!"

Y/N: "Still alive."

Woman2: "How?"

I grab her hammer delivering a powerful right hook to her face. She stumbles. Reverting her hammer I swing it into her legs taking them out. Finally I slam the hammer onto her stomach launching her into the ground with enough force to shatter her aura.

Voice: "You're mine now."

I twist avoiding a boomerang. Grabbing it I turn launching it back at their owner. 

Man2: "Aw crap."

It hits his face taking him down. 

Y/N: "Please tell me that's the last one."

I'm proven wrong as a fishing line is wrapped around me. I'm yanked hitting my face on the road. I then get dragged before being hung from a lamppost. A man with a fishing pole in his hand walks to me.

Man3: "You're pretty skilled for taking my teammates down. But this' where it ends."

Y/N: "Not yet."

I spread my arms snapping his fishing line. Dropping to my feet I deliver a right hook which he dodges. I deliver a left cross which he easily catches.

Man3: "Do try harder."

I narrow my eyes before going for another right hook.

Man2: "Stay."

My fist stops a hair's width from his face. I try to move it but nothing's responding.

Man3: "You've had your fun. Time you calmed down."

I sigh giving up. I'm finally restrained. As an added measure they use three additional sets of those cuffs they used on the others. I'm then shoved into a bullhead where we're all flown to Atlas. As we ride I scan the virus to see its progress.

Y/N: "Eighty five percent. Won't be much longer now."

I look out the window as the academy comes within view. After arriving we're walked through a long hallway.

Jaune: *whispers* "What's the plan Ruby?"

Ruby: *whispers* "Working on it."

Yang: *whispers* "Whatever you com up with. We're with you a hundred percent."

Guard: "Keep moving."

We walk through a doorway coming to an open area. 

Guard: "General Ironwood. We have the trespassers."

He turns facing us. His eyes then widen.

Ironwood: "Ozpin?"

He steps forward.

Ozpin: "Is this how you normally treat visitors?"

He looks at the guards.

Ironwood: "Release them this instant."

We're released from our restraints. Ironwood then smiles waving us over.

Ironwood: "Come join me in my office. We have a lot to catch up on."

They begin leaving.

Voice: "Y/N?"

I look and go wide eyed. 

Y/N: "Penny?"

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