Chapter 1

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"Please let me have just one?" I  flashing my best puppy dog eyes at my brother who was sat in the back seat of the moving car looking rather annoyed.

He leaned forward and stuck his head in between the front seats "for the last time no you're not having alcohol you're not even old enough" he feel back into his seat fead up of answering the same question over and over "come on Nick let her have a couple drinks it's only a month or so until she's 21" kellin said joining in on the argument.

Nick sighed sitting up again and looking at Kellin though the gap between the two seats "kellin shut the fuck up, don't get involved" nick shouted throwing himself back into his seat.

Kellin laughed looking over to me and back at the road shaking his head giggling quietly to himself.

The car went silent as I remember something. I opened the glove box and seen just the thing's I was looking for my Collection of CDs. I always keep CDs in kellin's car as half the time if we ever went anywhere we would take Kellin's car.

"Oh what are we having on today?" kellin questioned looking over at me for a second before looking back at the road. I finally found the CD I was looking for pulling it out of it's plastic casing and into the cars built in CD player "my chemical romance three cheered for sweet revenge" I said just before 'I never told you what I do for a living' started blasting throw the car speakers making nick sigh knowing what was coming.

"Another knife In my hand a stain that doesn't come off the sheets, clean me off, I'm so dirty babe" I sang dancing in my seat "come on you know you want to sing" I almost scream over the music to kellin who was tapping his fingers on the steering wheel along to the beat.

he give me a 'oh god help me' look but joined in.
As for nick he just sat there giving me and kellin looks as we both sang and danced In our seats.

After a few songs we pulled up to nick and kellin's shared house finding the rest of the boys Jesse, Justin, Gabe and Jack sat outside waiting.
"why did it take you so long to buy some alcohol, get lost or something?" Justin asked nick as we walked into the house "these two having a sing along almost got us killed about 4 times" nick replied hitting kellin on the back of the head as he walked past him.

"We didn't almost die I'm an amazing driver" kellin smiled widely trying to defend himself "sure" is all nick said before walking away into the kitchen.

It had been about an hour and the boys all sat around with drinks in hand talking about the last small gig they did back a few days ago and other random stuff that I zoned out for.

Nick was still refusing to let me have a drink. I know he doesn't really care that much if I drink he's just doing it to piss me off because that's the sort of brother he is.

Kellin got up to get another drink from the kitchen I soon followed to go and get a nonalcoholic drink.

"Hey" I said walking straight into the kitchen grabbing a glass to fill up with water.

"Your still not allowed alcohol then" kellin laughed making himself a mix of soda and jack Daniels.

"He's just being a dick to piss me off. Anyway I best not don't want a headache in the morning" I said taking a sip of the water I just got.

"A couple aren't going to do anything" he said adding more alcohol to his drink.

"Yeah you know what fuck in, what we having" I said smiling up at him he smirked and made me a drink of god knows what but it tastes ok.

around 2 hours later I've had more than a few drinks and so had Jack, Justin and Jesse who feel asleep on the sofa after a drinking game or two.

Me, kellin and Gabe where running around the living room singing back up to kellin's made up song about how drinking is bad.

"What time is it" kellin asked
"Um shit it's 4 am" I said finding it hard to focus on the time on my phone "fuck, I've got to be up in the morning for a new tattoo" he said falling onto the sofa suddenly looking tired "oh my god I've always wanted a tattoo" I said taking a seat next to kellin.

I have always been obsessed with tattoos and having them one day but no one else really approved.
Everyone always told me 'you're still young you will regret having them done in a few years' or 'there going to look horrible when you're older' and about a million others reasons not too.

Maybe one day.

"I'm so drunk right now I can't see straight" I said laughing for no reason as kellin joints in "same, I want bed" he made an attempt at getting up but feel back down causing both of us to burst out laughing.

Only now did I realise everyone was sleeping some of the guys where on the couch and chairs but Jesse was flat out sleeping on the floor.

I giggled and got up grabbing my keys going to the front door "where are you going" kellin asked stumbling over to me by the door.

His hair was all messy and his top was all dirty from splashes of alcohol
I probably looked a lot worse.

"I'm going home, I'm going to take nick's car I'll bring it back tomorrow morning before he gets up" I said reaching for the door handle almost missing it from how much my head was spinning.

I was in no way ok to drive a car in my drunker state but where else was I meant to stay? the guys got the couch and I'm not sleeping on the floor.

"No I don't think so your staying right here" he demanded running to the door and locking it "there is no where for me to sleep because of them dickheads taking up the couch and the floor dose not sound nice" I mumbled almost falling over my own two feet trying to mover kellin away from the door.

"No. move" he grabbed my arm and dragged me to the stairs.

"Um I can't do this" I laughed looking up at the stairs in front of me "we can do it....I think ?" kellin giggled not really knowing how this was going to go himself.

After a long 5 minutes and almost both me and kellin falling down the stairs 3 times we made it up the stairs.

"we made it!" I celebrate as I reach the top of the deadly steps.

kellin giggles and walks into his room I slowly stumbled behind him trying to adjust my eyes to the dim lit room as only the small lamp that was on the bed side table was on.

I flopped down onto the end of the bed looking straight up at the ceiling watching it spin above me.

I felt the bed dip and the last thing I remembered saying was "never let me fucking drink again"

Ok so this is the first chapter, it's not to exiting but the story will get better.

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