Chapter 11

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Y/n PoV:

What an eventful night.
Kellin found me in one of the worst moments and helped me which I am so thankful for then I had my first kiss which felt so special and to me full of emotion but who knows what kellin is feeling he's probably just in shock and confused, then I feel straight to sleep in kellins arms once again.

I had one of the best nights sleep ever after everything that went down. when anything emotional ever happens to me I find it best to sleep it off.

I didn't know what time it was but I felt kellin get up and leave the bed around half an hour ago. I just Lead with my eyes closed for a while just trying to take everything in until I remembered I was meant to be at work today.

I got out of bed and made my way to my room to get my phone and call work to say I wasn't going to make it in today, they didn't take it to well but I think it will be alright.

I brushed my teeth, put my glass on and tried my best to fix my hair with out hurting my arms which meant I could only put my hair in a low ponytail but it will do.

I walked down stairs just as kellin came though the door. Where had he been?.

"Hey how are you? I got us some McDonald's breakfast" kellin smiles placing the McDonald's bag on the coffee table "I'm ok yeah...oh thanks you didn't have to" I said sitting down next to kellin on the couch turning the tv on and leaving what ever was on play as background noise so this wouldn't be awkward.

"Well I thought I'd get you something as you haven't eaten properly in a couple days and you lost quite a bit of blood yesterday" Kellin shyly said like it made him upset talking about it
"Thanks, so what did you get" I smile not wanting to reject the food and make kellin feel ever worse.
he smiles and pulls out the food he had gotten.

We sat in silence as we ate our breakfast until we both finished eating and I had to ask the question that had been running around my head all morning "kellin" I take a deep breath and kellin looks strange
"last night, did the kiss mean anything to this is awkward its completely ok if it didn't I was just asking" I blurted the whole thing out so fast I don't even know if he Understood any of it.

"Yeah it meant something I don't just go kissing people for the sake of it y/n, I like and really care about you"

I really didn't know what to say to him I felt the same but I was just so surprised "really" was all I could get out "Yeah really, last night really made me realise how much I did care for you seeing you like that made me really upset and worried" tears lined his eyes as did mine.

"I like you too" I said smiling up at him "but I don't think it would work to be honest. I mean your my brother best friend, I'm mentally unstable and you can't trust me to be in a room for more than 10 minutes on my own" I drop my smile and so dose kellin.

"I don't care if nick cares about us both that much he will be happy for us and for you and your mental health we can work on it together and get you help and I know you can get better" kellin moves closer to me pulling me into a hug.

"I promise you I'll get help I'll do anything go to the doctors get therapy, anything to get better because for once I have someone to get better for" I giggle and hid my face in Kellins chest "wow that was really cheesy" I laughed getting a small laugh out of Kellin.

Kellins pov:

"So do you think you're well enough to go on a little date just to this little ice cream shop" I ask looking down at y/n seeing a smile on her face as she nodded.

I get up off of the couch as she follows "hang on let me go change" she says walking up stairs coming down a few minutes later still in my jumper but now with leggings and vans on Instead of joggers still with her hair in a low ponytail and her glasses on.

"ok let's go there's something I need to do on the way" she says walking to the front door "what have you got to do" I ask looking at her confused "I just need to go to this little bridge, no more questions" she smiles walking out side letting herself into the passenger seat of my car.

She gives me the direction to the place she wanted to go and we eventually got out of the car and walked to this beautiful little river with a small bridge going over It leading to the other side of the woods.

Y/n walks up over the bridge and stops in the middle looking out over the river "why are we here" I ask standing next to her on the bridge "saying good bye to these" she says pulling out 3 blades from her pocket "these are the only ones I have and I don't need them anymore" she smiles leaning over the bridge and dropping the blades into the water.

"I'm proud of you" I smile pulling her into a hug "now let's go celebrate with some ice cream" I shout pulling out of the hug and running back to the car as she follows behind laughing at me.

It was nice to see her smiling and laughing let's just hope I can keep her smiling.

Y/n's PoV:

Throwing my blades away was hard
I can't say that I'm not going to miss them, miss the pain they bring to me, miss the way they felt, the way they helped me escape my mind but I had to look at the plus side of things I was going to get myself sorted, for myself and most of all for the people that care for me.

My brothers best friend (kellin Quinn x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now