Chapter 2

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I painfully opened my eyes to find a bright light filling my room?
This wasn't my room where the fuck was I.

I slowly got up looking around the room as a pain filled my head remembering last nigh and all the alcohol I consumed.

I look behind me to find kellin isn't there I could of sworn he came up stairs with me.

My head was killing as I tried to find out what was going on. The bedroom door opens and kellin walks through the door in just a towel rapped around his lower half.

I couldn't help but look at the tattoo that covered his chest so nicely.

What the fuck am I doing snap the fuck out of it.
I resting my head in my hands from the pain that filled my head.

"sorry didn't want to wake you up thought I'd let you sleep" he said awkwardly holding onto his towel tightly "it's ok I was up anyway.
how the fuck are you up and so alive?" I ask throwing myself back on the soft bed.

kellin didn't answer just stood there "don't worry I'm not going to look" not like I would be able to see anyway with this headache.

He let out a breath and answered "I'm really not I feel dead my head is killing I just have to be up to get my tattoo and I'm not missing that" I just sat there in silence's thinking.

"Can I come with you like to see what they do?" I ask I really did want to go see if it was as bad as people say.

"Yeah, why don't you get something" he ask dropping himself down to lay on the bed next to me now fully clothed.

"I have a list of reasons why not to I would love to but I haven't got the money and I will get battered by my dad and possibly mother and I can't be having that today" I laughed finding it hard to keep my eyes open.

Kellin got up and brushed his top down "that a shame I got one of the guys that dose mine to design something for you but if you done want it it's fine" kellin said walking away from the bed.

what, he got a tattoo design for me, what was it ?
"Wait, really you did that" I asked sitting up as he walked around his room finding his stuff.

"yeah, your always saying stuff about mine and how you've always wanted some so I thought I'd ask some of the guys to make something. anyway you don't have to have it you can just sit and watch me get mine, but we do have to go so get ready and I'll meet you downstairs In 10 minutes" he said rather fast running out of the door and down stairs.

I ran into the bathroom and tried my best to sort myself out washing all my old makeup off, putting my hair up into a low ponytail and putting my glasses on. I don't always wear my glasses but I needed them to cover my tired eyes today.

I ran into the living room finding everyone still fast asleep. I laughed to myself walking into the kitchen finding kellin with water and tablets In hand.

" for you" he says passing me the water and tablets I quickly drank all the water and swallowed the pills "and coffee" kellin smiles handing me a travel cup filled with hot coffee "thank you so much you didn't have to" I said taking a well needed sip of coffee "no problem now let's go".

(Time skip)

"Hi yeah an appointment for kellin Quinn" we just got to the tattoo shop after a very quiet drive not because there wasn't anything to talk about just because the silence was nice.

"Um it has you down here for two one for yourself and y/n??" The woman behind the counter asked.

Kellin looked over at me.
here we fucking go it's better to do it now and get it over with "yeah that right" I intubated before kellin could say anything "ok if you would like to take a seat" the woman said pointing to a couch just over in the corner.

"So you changed your mind?" Kellin asked taking a seat "yeah why not, so what is it you've got designed for me?" I question taking a seat next to him on the leather couch.

"well, have a look" he says reaching into his Jean pocket grabbing his phone pulling up a picture of an amazing tattoo.

It was the cover of three cheats for sweet revenge with a ouija underneath it which had 'so long and good night' written in it from one of my favourite songs off the album, the drawing was finished off with red and black flowers, a spider and some spider webs.

(Like this)

"You can get something else if you don't like it, I just know you like meaning full tattoos and I know my chem means a lot to you" he said putting his phone back in his pocket giving me a nervous smile

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"You can get something else if you don't like it, I just know you like meaning full tattoos and I know my chem means a lot to you" he said putting his phone back in his pocket giving me a nervous smile.

"I fucking love it. it's so cool. I 100% want to get that!" I said almost jumping out of my seat because of how excited i was.

"I'm glad you like it" kellin let's out a breathe and shows a true smile I smile back and try my best to calm myself down.

"Kellin nice to see you again" a man shouts from across the room i look up from my shoes and see a heavily tattooed man smiling at kellin pulling him up off the couch into a bro hug.

"Hey, how are you?" Kellin ask pulling away from the hug.

"All good now You must be y/n right?" The man asked look at me "that's me" I give a weak smile back at his big one.

"Well let's get you two inked up follow me" the man laughed before leading us to a small room at the back of the shop with two small bed like tables set up.

I was so nervous. I began to panic and shake slightly trying to tell myself not to worry over and over in my head.

Kellin seemed to notice and grabbed my hand making me look up at him "it's going to look great don't worry" he says smiling down at me.

I took a deep breath and managed to calm down.

Here we go I guess.

My brothers best friend (kellin Quinn x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now