Chapter 36

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(Time skip)

The morning after my first night out was the worst! I was sick, I had the worst headache and I felt dead.

Luckily I was only like that for a day and was up and ready to spend the afternoon with Katelynne after I finished work and her kids finished school. I was both excited and nervous to meet them but mostly excited.

We had been texting a lot and she told me a bit about the boys. The oldest Liam was 7 and her youngest is 2 who isn't coming because he lives with his father and decided last minute he wasn't coming.

Kellin was out with Justin and Nick looking at new guitars so it was just me at home waiting for Katelynne to come and pick me up which would be any minute now.

A car beeped and I seen Katelynne sat out in her car. I grabbed my house keys and phone and left running out to the car jumping in the passenger side.

"Hey how are you?" I ask plugging in my seat belt "I'm not to good can we talk about it when we get there" she said sadly pulling out of the driveway.

"yeah sure you can tell me anything" I felt bad she looked really worked up and upset about whatever happened.

We eventually got to the soft play and katelynne ran straight of to the bathroom because she was busting for a pee that's what being pregnant dose I guess.

I walked over to a table with Liam and had a short conversation with him asking him how he was and introducing myself.
he seemed like a very nice young boy. He ran straight into the soft play after I helped him get his shoes off.

Katelynne came out of the bathrooms and took a seat next to me.

"are you ready to talk about it now?" I asked with a very small smile which dropped as soon as she started crying. I held her hand that was placed on the table to let her know that I was there for support.

"He's going to take him away from me" she cried "who what's happening?" I questioned "my boys farthers he's taken full custody of my youngest because he thinks I can't look after a toddler, a 7 year old and a newborn baby all on my own" she took a deep breath "I know it's going to be hard but he can't just take him away from me" she started to cry even harder.

What an ass hole! yes taking care of three kids was going to be hard but taking her ability to see him full stop was just cruel.

"What about Liam your still ok to have him" I say still keeping a good hold on her hand "I can see him Mondays- Friday then on the weekends he goes with his dad there father thinks I can still have Liam most of the week because he's older and less hard work" she said breathless she was having a panic attack.

"Listen look at me ok just trust me ok" I said calmly to her grabbing both of her hands making sure she was looking at me "now look at that ok, now look at that, and that" I pointed to different objects behind me making her attention go to them "and breath" I take a deep breath in with her and she falls back into her seat.

"How do you do that" she asked impressed by how fast I stopped her panic attack "magic" i smiled getting a small giggle from her.

It wasn't magic of course I just took a course in school all about mental health and how to support others in that sort of situation.

We sat and talked over coffee for a while talking about anything and everything. Liam came running down from the soft play wanting a drink. I happily take him to the little vending machines so Katelynne didn't have to.

"Y/n?" He said looking up at me with his drink in hand "yeah" I smiled down at him "can I come home with you and see kellin I miss him and I want to play games with him and for him to be like a dad to me again " Liam said looking down at the floor dragging his feet along the floor.

This made me a mix of emotions happy was one to see that Liam still cared about kellin and sad because kellin wasn't In his life anymore.
kellin must of definitely made an impact on liams life for him to see him as a dad figure.

"Liam I wish I could but I don't think your mommy will let you come over and stay as much as me and kellin would love you too" I rubbed his back until we go back to the table where Katelynne was sat.

"Liam come on get your shoes on it's time to go home now" Katelynne called holding up his shoes and patting the seat next to her.

Liam did as he was told and sat on the chair and put his shoes on then we left and started to drive home.

"Mommy?" Liam called from the back of the car "yes" Katelynne dragged the 's' making him laugh "can I stay with y/n and kellin tonight please" he shyly asked dragging out the 'please' just as Katelynne did with the 's'.

"You can't just invite yourself over to there house plus I'm sure y/n and kellin don't want you to be invading there space" she said making Liam turn from happy and smiling to sad and about to cry.

"he can stay if he wants we would be more than happy to have him over" I smiled looking into the back of the car at Liam who smiled back at me "you don't have to" Katelynne said looking over to me.

"no I want to and kellin will be more than exited to see him" I reassured her that I was really ok for him to stay over.

Katelynne eventually agreed and we stopped at her house to pick up an over night bag for Liam and some things for school the next morning.

Liam was so excited running out of the car and toward the house before I had even said goodbye to Katelynne.

"Ok ok I'm coming" I laugh running up to the front door unlocked in and walking in with Liam by my side.

Know one was down stairs so I shouted up the stairs to see if kellin was up there "I'll be down now" kellin shouted back. He still didn't know that Liam was staying over so it was a surprise.

I hid Liam by the side of the couch just in time before kellin came running down the stairs.

"Hey how was today?" He asked pecking my lips quickly sitting down on the couch.
"good but I have a surprise for you" I smiled "Liam" I whispered to Liam who was still hiding.

Liam came running out from by the side of the couch and straight to Kellin wrapping his arms around his neck as kellin heal on tight to his back.

"Hey buddy how are you I haven't seen you in forever" kellin smiled down at the exited child in his arms "I've missed you so much I want you to come back" Liam looked sad making my heart break at how upset he must be "this is my home now, I'm sorry buddy I miss you too" kellin moved Liam to be sat on his lap so he could look at him properly.

They stayed like this for a while just hugging and Liam telling kellin about all the stuff he's learning and friends he's made in school.

They where the cutest together! everything Liam was saying kellin paid close attention to kellin really was a great stepdad to this little boy before and I felt bad for Liam that all that got taken from him when kellin and Katelynne split up.

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