Chapter 24

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That was the last I heard from y/n.
we haven't talked since we where texting that night. I've been keeping in touch with Gabe to make sure she was ok and that she went to her first appointment with her new therapist which she did.

today is her 21st birthday so she's coming over along with all the boys to drink and have food. This will be the first time I've seen her since that night and I'm nervous to say the least.

It's been hard trying to keep all this away from all the other boys. Not the pregnancy thing the me and y/n even being together in the first place but most of them guessed, Nick was the main one that I needed to keep it from which was hard when he was home but most the time he was at his girlfriends house anyway so it didn't matter.

There was a kitchen full of alcohol and food ready for the birthday girl to get here which wasn't going to be long.

She walked in with a floral purple dress with black lace over the top which was tights fitted at the tops until the waist were it became more of a flowing dress that stopped at the knee. She had fishnet tights on, black converse, a black denim jacket and black sunglasses. her hair which was now black was down and curly at the end. She looked amazing with her new hair colour.

"Right it's a nice day everyone outside it's to hot out there to be stuck in here" she says walking threw the kitchen out to the garden grabbing a drink on the way. everyone followed except me of course. I couldn't just sit out there and act all fine.

"Come on that means you to kellin"
Y/n whispers in my ear pulling me up off of the couch and out into the garden "see that wasn't that hard was it" she laughs talking a seat in one of the deck chairs.

I've missed her so much. I thought I missed her before but just seeing her now in person looking so sexy and beautiful only made me miss her more.

We were a few drinks in and the massive speakers began blasting 'vampires will never hurt you' by my chemical romance of course y/n being herself was up on her chair screaming along to the song dancing around.

It was later now and we were all doing truth or dare because it's tradition at a party. Justin had lost most of his clothes already, Nick had a bucket of ice water tipped on him, Jack had to take a shot out of Jesses bellybutton and I had to kiss Nick and now y/n had the dare to scream so loud to the music that the next door neighbour would start having a go at us.

She chose a song to play and got right into it back up on her chair ready to go. The song she picked 'grand theft autumn/ where is your boy tonight' by fall out boy.

I've never meet someone that loves fall out boy as much as she dose. She went straight in really getting into it singing her heart out and sure enough the next door neighbour came storming out trying to scream over the music.

when they came out y/n got down off of her chair and walked over to the table that was leaning up against the fence that separates our gardens and got on the table.

Y/n was acting like she was the star of the show and the neighbour was just some fan girl looking up at her from her stage when she pointed and sang to the neighbour "where is your boy tonight, I hope he is a gentleman. Maybe he wouldn't find out what I know but you where the last good thing about this part of town" ending it with a small wink before getting down and running around the whole group singing and dancing.
she was just so pretty and perfect.

The neighbour give up and went back inside. The song ended and went straight into the next making everyone get up including me it was 'American idiot' by green day.

We where all on chairs and tables with sunglasses and old mics that we didn't use anymore sing and jumping around to the music it was so funny.

nick and Jack where singing to each other back and forth.
I was just doing whatever getting up on the table with y/n pulling both mine and her glasses down over our eyes and went back to back with her and started singing.

This was the most fun I have had in ages just letting go being with the people I love and just being a bunch of young dickheads having fun.

And Most of all just being with her.

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