Chapter 26

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Me and kellin both looked each other in the eye and smiled "you don't know how long I've wanted to say that" Kellin laughed going back in for yet another kiss this time making it deeper, the deeper the kiss got I started to lean back until I was completely lead down kellin now above me.

I reach for kellin's t-shirt and lift it over his head quickly only breaking the kiss for a second before our lips were back together "sit up" kellin whispers into my ear.

I did as he asked and sat up slowly kellin's lips left mine and attached to my neck making me let out a small moan I felt his lips turn into a smile and hearing him let out a slight laugh.

He pulls away taking off my jacket and moving on to my dress and tights leaving me in my bra and pants. "Kellin?" I sigh
"yeah, what's wrong?" He pulls back giving me a confused look "nothing is wrong, but can I" I ask with a slight grin looking down at his covered member "really?" Kellin blushes making me blush "please" I beg.

"I'm not saying no to that offer babe" kellin smirks moving himself to sit at the edge of the bed.

I get on my Knees in front of him looking up at him as I undid his trousers and pulling them off and throwing them to the sidethen moving to his boxers. I took a deep breath before pulling them completely off and throwing them in the same direction of the trousers.

I look up and see kellin now completely naked everything about him was perfect.

I take his member and place his tip in my mouth playing with his tip with my tongue before taking as much of his member in as I can "fuck" he moans making my stomach tie in a knot. I continue deep throating kellin's member in my mouth until he let out a loud moan followed by his hot cum filling the back of my throat. Kellin throw his head back and grabbed an old glass off the bed side table and handed it to me "here, spit it out" he says still trying to catch his breath "no I swallow baby" I tease placing the glass back on the side.

Kellin was left speechless looking down at me as I just smiled and got up off my knees now standing looking down at kellin lightly placing me lips onto his "you dirty girl" he smirks wasting no time In deepening the kiss and pulling me onto his lap to straddle him.

Feeling his hard member underneath me made me even more desperate "kellin" I say in a moan pulling away from the kiss "I need you" I whisper into his ear kissing down his jawline
"Beg for it" I feel him smirk and let out a breath against my neck "Kells please I need you so bad" I beg leaving a trail of red marks on his neck "your going to have to do more than that babe" he teased making me giggle. "Kellin please I've never wanted anything more please fuck me, I need you inside me" I plead slowly starting to grind on kellin's lap.

"Oh fuck your amazing" he final give in and throw me off his lap and onto the bed getting on top of me grabbing my back and lifting me up to unbuckle my bra taking it off and throwing in onto the floor.

He attacked my lips again slowly moving from my lips to my neck to my arms kissing over the old scars then moving down to my stomach and to my thighs to kiss the other scars he had helped me clean up all those months ago.

Kellin starts taking my pants of painfully slow making me push my legs together feeling myself get wet "no, I need them open if you want what you have been begging for" he smirks looking up into my eyes continuing to take off my pants and throwing them to the floor.

"Already so wet" he grins making my stomach flip "it's because you keep teasing Me" I say letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding "not long now" kellin whispered trailing another row of kisses up my body only making me more wet.

Kellin goes to grab something out of his draw "what are you doing?" I question "getting a condom" he says looking at me like I was stupid "Kellin I'm on this thing called birth control" I say now looking at him stupid "good it's better with out" he shuts the draw and gives me a small kiss before pulling away.

"Ok I'm going to take it slow and you tell me when your comfortable for me to move yeah" he asked the nerves now setting in "ok" my voice cracks and I take a deep breath.

Kellin lines himself up with my entire looking up at me for permission, I nod throwing my head back from his length "you ok?" He asks looking at me "yeah, yeah I'm good you can move now" I flash a smile taking in a deep breath and closing my eyes ready.

Kellin starts to mover slowly for a while "kellin, your moving painfully slow" I laugh making him blush and hid his head in my hair "put your legs around my waist baby" kellin says into my ear quietly making me get goosebumps.

I do as he says and rap my legs around his waist. kellin quickly got faster making me bite down on my lip from pleasure.

"Don't hold back babe, I want to hear you say my name" he grunts making my stomach tighten even more.

"Kellin- oh fuck" I moan trowing my head back again allowing kellin to attach his lips back to my neck definitely leaving marks "oh- y/n your so beautiful let i all out baby" he grunts pushing me even closer to my high.

Kellin finds my g-spot and goes faster pushing me over the edge "kellin- oh shit kellin I'm gonna-" I moan getting cut off by kellin "i know I'm going to as well just try and hold it ok" kellin says out of breath. I hold back my high and wait for kellin's signal.

He goes faster and harder making my legs shake "cum babe" kellin moans making the knot in my stomach relax hitting my high feeling kellin's cum inside of me "fuck- that felt so good" I moan out of breath.

Kellin pulled out and fell to the side of me both of us out of breath.

Kellin's PoV:

I feel to the side out of breath laying in bed next to y/n.

"Your so beautiful" I say lifting myself up to look at y/n "I love you so much kels" she smiles giving me a kiss before laying back down and closing her eyes "come on, let's go get you cleaned up" I get up out of bed and walk to the door to go to the bathroom looking behind me to see
y/n still in bed "come on let's go" I say throwing my arms down by my side sarcastically "i can't move" she says slowly standing up off of the bed making me laugh under my breath.

"Am I really that good darling" I joke grabbing her waist and helping her to the bathroom "you are good definitely the best sex I've ever had" she winks "well yeah that's because i am the only sex you've ever had" I laugh looking down at her now stood in the bathroom "exactly" she jokes making us both laugh.

"Well I have experience and I can 100% say that was the best sex I've ever had" I blush going shy and hiding my face in her shoulder "aw, your so sweet and cheesy" she teases kissing my lips softly.

"right let's get cleaned up and go to bed it's been an eventful birthday that's for sure" she smiles.

I'm so happy to have my girl back. It's true you don't know how much you love someone until you lose them even if it's for a short amount of time.
I've never loved Someone more, she's perfect in every way.

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