Chapter 42

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Katelynne PoV:

My ex husband dropped the kid off an hour ago and I already couldn't do it. They did nothing wrong I just couldn't, having kids wasn't for me I just can't do it anymore, I want my life back. I got into a marriage when I was young and had kids and did all that then that went wrong and now I'm pregnant again and I'm left with two children and another one on the way. I don't want to do it anymore. If this is life I don't want to live it anymore.

I did the only thing I could think of and called kellin, he was the first person I thought of why I don't know, but he was on his way with in seconds of me calling.

He shouldn't have to do that these aren't his kids but he still come through every time when they need him.

Y/n's PoV:

Kellin told me on the way there that she has done this before and her mother had to look after the kids for a little while because she was not well enough to look after them, I just hope there all ok mental health is a bitch and with all the pregnancy hormones and her ex husband dumping the kids it's not easy.

We got to the house and we both got out and speed walked to the door walking straight in. The house was far from quiet with a crying baby on the stairs who I think is Rowan who I haven't meet yet. I ran over to rowan and picked him up trying to calm him down.

With the baby in my arms me and kellin run into the living room where Katelynne is crying and screaming at Liam. Liam was also crying saying over and over 'it's ok mommy, everything is going to be ok' but Katelynne only screamed 'leave me alone' at him even louder.

"Liam, come here baby" I say tapping Liam on the shoulder with my free hand "y/n!" He cry's and hugs my leg tight "come on let's leave mommy and kellin alone for a minute let's go to the car, do you know where your brother car seat is" I asked sweetly moving out of the living room so kellin could try and calm her down.

Liam had left my side and came back dragging not only his brothers but his car seat as well. "Thank you" I smile taking the baby seat off him and placing rowan in it and striping him in. I put the baby seat in the back of the car Liam following me out to the car with his car seat.

I plugged both the boys into the back of the car and sat in the front sitting in silence.

"Y/n?" Liam questioned "yes" I answered turning in my seat to look at him "can we have that CD on again?" He asked going all shy "of course you can" I smile turning back around knowing exactly what he wanted and put it Into the CD player getting a bright smile and a few claps from him.

We sat with the music playing quietly. Rowan was sleeping from exhaustion from all the crying he's been doing and me and Liam sat tapping along to the beat of the song. As I'm sat there I feel my phone buzz in my pocket, I pulled it out to see it was a text from Kellin.

(Start text)

Kellin: look leave me here Intel  Katelynne's mother comes and picks her up. There's around $70 in the glove box go to a store and get a travel cot for Rowan and pick up some bits that Liam wants and I'll give you a text when to come and get me xxx

Me: ok will do hope everything ok xx

(End text)

I put my phone down and swap seats in the car to drives I told Liam we where going to Walmart, which he gets excited about and dose a little jump in his seat.

We pull into Walmart and i grab the money kellin told me to take out of the glove box and got the sleeping Rowan out of the car and into a trolly seat and held Liam's hand as we walked up and down the store. eventually finding the baby section and grabbing a cute travel cot.

After getting the cot I took Liam over to the food section so he could pick out some things he liked. then we went to the toy section and I picked out three matching teddy bears one in Gary one in white and one in brown for the boys and baby girl when she comes so they all have matching teddy bears. I thought it would be cute for them all to have a little something special like that.

We eventually got to the checkout and I got a text from kellin just as I was strapping Rowan back into the car. I finished making sure the boys where plugged in and sat in the front and looked at kellin's text

(Start text)

Kellin: Katelynne's mam has just picked her up now so I'm ready to be picked up, I've also packed some of the boys toys, clothes, ect. Xx

Me: ok, I'll be back at the house in about 15 minutes. Xxx

(End text)

I closed my phone and started to drive back, I was nervous to speak to kellin later about what was happening with Katelynne, she was like a different person when I seen her  from what she was like just then and it made me rethink what she's really like. She seemed to have her life together was happy I just don't see where this came from.

"I don't like when mommy gets like that" Liam whispers just loud enough for me to hear it "what do you mean dose she get like this a lot?" I was scared for the answer he was going to give me "yeah, she gets like it all the time screaming, crying. It scares me" Liam said with a lump in his throat trying not to get upset, I could tell by the way his voice went.

"Your not taking me back there are you?" Liam asked he sounded terrified "no, where going to pick kellin up then go back to mine and kellins house" I look up into the
mirror and see Liam with a small smile on his face making me smile back.

After the short drive back to pick kellin I pulled the car into the drive and beeped seeing kellin with a few bags in hand shortly after walking out to the car filling the boot with the bags and getting into the passenger side.

He looked upset and a little bit angry not saying anything as he got into the car. nothing was said the whole way back the boys where sleeping and me and kellin just stayed dead silent.

We got home and he carried Liam up to my room where he would be sleeping and I carried Rowan in his car seat, there was still silence.

I was waiting to talk to him when he came down the stairs but he just tried to walk past me "no kellin what's wrong talk to me" I stand in front of him and look up at him, he had puffy red eyes and tear stains down his cheeks.

"She's gone insane" Kellin whispers wrapping his arms around me and crying "all this because she wants her old life back" Kellin cried not making any sense to me "if she didn't want the kids why have them now they have to grow up in a shit position" he pulls away and looks over at Rowan in his car seat that's placed on the coffee table.

"I know it's shit babe, it really is" I rub his back trying to calm him down "this isn't fair on you either you just lost your mother and now you've got all this as well" he runs his hands through his hair and starts pasting up and down the living room.

"Kellin listen to me. I don't care about that right now ok what I care about is getting these kids safe and in bed and having a nice night sleep, ok" I say grabbing hold of his arms and looking into his eyes "now let's go get rowans bed set up" I smile walking out to the car with kellin who helped me bring in all the kids stuff.

We set up the travel cot in my room ( the same room as Liam ) and put Rowan In there to continue his sleep. We also managed to put all the food we had just bought at Walmart and the baby milk and food that kellin had brought from Katelynne's house away.

I put the bag with there clothes in by the clothing rack I have in the room there staying in. I also found a old wooden crate that we don't use anymore and filled it with there toys down In the living room getting everything kid ready for the upcoming days.

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