Chapter 51

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I sat there for hours crying and rocking back and forth with my knees to my chest. I didn't know what to do! there was nothing I could do this was my life and that's that I can't change that, But I can do something.

I didn't want to do what I was thinking but I had no choice I wasn't living a life were I'm still mentally unstable, live with my mother and most of all not with kellin.
Even if me being with kellin was just a dream it was amazing and I can't live without that.
Just knowing that kellin would be out there living a happy life with another woman made me feel sick, not because I didn't want him to be happy I was happy for him to have a wife and kids but I couldn't live watching him live out that life.

I walked into the kitchen getting what I needed and walking up the stairs into the bathroom I locked the door and ran the bath taking off the jumper I was wearing leaving me in my jeans and t-shirt.

I got a peace of paper and started to write a note It says:

I am pretty sure I've gone insane! One minute I'm happily living my best life with Kels who I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with but then I woke up from that dream into this living hell! I didn't want to do this in a way but I had to, I can't live in this  hell anymore.

Even if everything I thought happened was just a dream it felt real and now I can't live without that dream life I had.
This wasn't anyone's fault I'm happy to be gone! I've not wanted to live this life for years and now I'm finally getting my happiness. I love all of you and I hope you all live happy life and I hope to see you again some day if there is something after death.


P.S missing you already <3

Love y/n.

It was rushed, probably didn't make sense at all but I didn't care I just needed to get out and fast.

I stood and looked at myself in the mirror for a while smiling to myself. With In the next few minutes I was finally getting out and that made me happy it made me really happy.

"I'm insane" I laughed looking at myself in the mirror.

The bath was almost overflowing by the time I had stopped taking the final looks at myself.

I got in fully clothed grabbing the knife off the side of the sink.
I got my whole body into the tub and relaxed breathing in the steam from the hot water.

It was in that moment that I remembered something from my dream this bathroom was the place where me and kellin first kissed and even if it was just a dream I'll never forget it.

"This is it" I said to myself placing the knife to my wrist "time to get out, finally!" I smiled quietly running the knife up my wrist quickly changing hands and slitting the other wrist.

It hurt like hell but the sentence of
relief took over when I lowered my arms into the water. Everything started going black and I finally felt like everything was going to be ok.

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