Chapter 28

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Y/n's PoV:

Kellin and Nick had just left to speak outside and now I had the job of telling the rest of them.
i'm pretty sure that Gabe and Justin already know or they have guessed.

"Guys I have news" l say making the whole table go quiet and look at me
"Let me guess you and kellin did have sex last night?" Justin laughed looking at me as I went red
"oh god you did didn't you" he say's giving me a surprised look.

"Well yes but that's not part of the new. Well it kinda is but not. Anyway me and kellin are together" I blurt out stumbling over my words.

"Holy shit finally!" Jack shouts
"I called it Jesse you own me $10" Justin grins over at Jesse "fuck you" Jesse say handing $10 to Justin.

"Wait so you guys have all been betting on this" I ask giving Jesse a confused face.where they really making money out of this?

"well yeah, we all sort of knew it would happen but we all set bets on what month you would be together by" jack says quietly avoiding eye contact with me.

"You smart mother fuckers" I said laughing at them "your not mad?" Jesse questions making me laugh
"no I'm not mad I would of done the same if it was one of you lot. Anyway who wants to bet that kellin is going to get killed by nick?" I ask

"Oh shit is that what he's doing now?" Gabe gives a shocked face "yep, personally I think it's 50/50, Nick will take it well or will take it really bad" I add the anxiety now coming back thinking about the conversation kellin and Nick are having right now.

"Guys shut up there coming" gabe whispers making the table go quiet.

Kellin and Nick walked over both of them with mixed emotions on there face.

Kellin still looked nervous and Nick I couldn't work out what his emotion was.

Nick and kellin sat down and everything stayed silent, Justin finally broke the silence and asked for the bill.

We all split the bill and left in silence and the whole ride dropping everyone off was silent.

Jack was the last one to leave the car now it was just me, kellin and Nick in the car for the next 10 minutes probably in silence until we get home.

"I want to have a sit down chat with you two when we get to the house" Nick said keeping his eyes on the road making me and kellin give each other a scared look.

We get into the house and we all sit around the living room. an awkward silence fills the room before Kellin finally asked what Nick wanted to talk about.

"Well kellin what do you think I want to ask you? It's going to be about you and my sister if I need both of you here" Nick started to get pissed off you could tell by the way he was talking to kellin.

"I thought we talked about it and it was all ok?" Kellin asked confused "kellin you really think I was going to let you off with that little chat we had" nick starts to play with his fist making kellin clearly more nervous.

Nick gets up and starts pacing around the room making Kellin shake his leg out of anxiety. Nick get up close to kellin making kellin lean back in his seat "sorry I can't this is to funny" Nick bursts out laughing.

"Nick what the fuck are you playing at?" I was so confused one minute Nick is acting all hard and ready to have a good chat with me and kellin and the next he's laughing "I just wanted to scare kellin make him feel awkward and intimidating" Nick laughed at himself when me and kellin just sat there still confused "no but guys over all I'm happy for you.
I may not be the happiest person in the world about this but I know that kellin has always treated women he's been with right and I would much rather you be with someone I know that will treat you right than a drunk you picked up at a bar or something" Nick added.

"Y/n I'm happy for you that you finally have a partner for I think the first time ever and you got a good one" Nick smiled over at me laughing under his breath at the 'for I think the first time ever' he couldn't help but mention.

"Kellin pretty simple don't be a dick" I clap at nicks amazing advice he give to kellin "wow Nick that was so thoughtful and affective" I say sarcastically he picked up a pillow throwing it me in return.

"Now if you two wouldn't mind going upstairs or preferably out somewhere for a while later" Nick shyly asked.

"ohh why is your girlfriend coming over" I drag out the oh winding him up "yes she is but before you ask no it's not the girlfriend you meet before it's someone different the last one was a bit of a bitch" Nick said making me wonder what happened with his now ex girlfriend.

I was just about to ask when kellin bet me to it and asked "what happened with your ex?"

"She was secretly sharing her house with her other boyfriend which I didn't know about so she was two timing Me" Nick sighed "but it doesn't matter because one of my old friends contacted me to meet up and I forgot how much fun she was so I'm quit happy with her now" he smiled a light pink covering his cheeks.

"Well I'm glad you got rid of your ex she was a bit strange anyway.
what's this old friend of yours like?" I ask wanting to know more.

"Her names Jenna she's really nice you would get alone well with her, I think. She's really pretty" nick trailed on about this Jenna and his smile only got bigger and bigger the more he talked about her making me smile to see him so happy.

"I'm glad your happy man. me and
Y/n will be out of your way just let us know what time it's safe to come back and we will sneak right in and you wouldn't even know where here" kellin grins over to me. god know what we were going to do for a few hours.

"Nick I want to meet this girl So tomorrow when where all going out for my birthday can you please ask her to come" I beg with puppy dog eyes "fine, I'll ask" I jump up out of my seat and get all excited and happy that I might be meeting Jenna. I didn't know a lot about her but I have a feeling she's going to be really fun.

"Right kellin let's get ready to go to wherever where going so Nick can get ready for his date night" I jump again all excited for Nick the way he talked about this girl makes me think she is something special to him which makes me happy because I love seeing Nick happy.

"Y/n would you please stop jumping around like a proud mother" Nick laughed "fine but I'm still happy for you" I say running to give him a hug before running towards the stairs to get ready to leave as I was still in kellin's clothes.

"Also will you help me make it look all nice In here like romantic, I haven't got a clue" I clap my hands exited "yes let me get changed and I will be right down" I say running up the stairs to get ready as quickly as I could.

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