Chaptet 23

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Everything went quiet I just rested my head on kellin's shoulder taking in the last that I could of him "kellin I'm glad your going to be in this baby's life I really am but I think it's best we just do this now" I take a deep breath "
kellin it was good when It lasted I wish things had worked out better but things are how they are and I will always be there for you as a friend" the words that I said hurt so much but he couldn't be in a relationship with me and have a baby with another woman he needed to be with her and the baby all the time not worrying about me his little girlfriend.

Kellin's PoV:

I just sat in shock. Why would she think I would end things with her?, did she just end it with me?. I know this is a lot but I didn't want her to feel like she and I had to split up I wasn't in love with me ex even if she was having my baby.

"Y/n?" I snap out of my thoughts and look around to fine y/n leaving in her car. Shit.

I ran back into the restaurant and saw everyone sat at the table laughing and joking. Everyone just stopped and looked up at me. I looked like a mess I had red and puffy eyes from crying, my hair was a mess. I was just a mess.

"Kellin, bro are you ok?" Nick called
"Kellin, kellin are you alright"
"Come on let's get you home" I snap out of the trance I was in to find Justin's hands on my shoulder leading me to the car park "Justin I lost her" I cried again "you haven't lost her man ok I promise you will work this out I know you will" Justin tried to telling me getting me into the passengers seat.

We where sat in silence waiting to leave when gabe called and Justin got out of the car to take the call.

Justin got back into the car a few minutes later "what did he say?" I ask as soon as Justin started up the car "he was just saying that y/n is going to stay at his place for a bit until everything settles down" Justin explains only making me grip my hair and punch the glove box of the car opening it to show all of y/n's CD's making me think of all the laughs we had to them songs. Picking up each CD and smiling and crying at the mixed emotions.

"Kellin man you got it bad" Justin looks over and gives me a sad look.

"I fucking love her man I really do and I never told her I didn't stop her from just driving away. Why am I so fucking stupid why did I ever have sex with Katelynne and get her pregnant why couldn't I have had a lovely life with
y/n and had a kid with her. Fuck, fuck, FUCK!" I scream punch everything that's in front of me.

"Kellin, breathe stop you can't change how things worked out ok. It's to late for i wish and if only this is the situation you're in and you have to deal with it, sorry kellin but that's just how things ended up. you're home go in chill out and get to bed and sleep" Justin bluntly told me.

I get out of the car and storm off into the house and straight to y/n's room to find she's not there right she's staying at Gabes house.

I leave her room and go to mine throwing myself on my bed and pulling out my phone to text y/n.

Me: y/n babe. I'm so sorry all this happened and I do understand if you hate me and don't want to be with me because you don't want to be stuck with my child. I get it your only 20 and you don't want to stay home with me every weekend and look after a baby. I didn't want this either but even if this wasn't planned I'm going to love this baby so much but I'm not in love with Katelynne because she's not who I want I want you and only you and I just hope your alright this was all a lot to take in xxx

Nothing was said just left on read so I texted Gabe.

Me: hey is she ok?

Gabe: she's not stopped crying but she's holding up I've just shown her to her room for the next few days or weeks

Me: gabe listen you need to keep an eye on her ok don't leave her alone for to long please

Gabe: kellin is it really that bad

Me: it hasn't been but I don't know how things are going to go after all this so just keep an eye on her

Gabe: yeah I will get some rest

Me: thanks man speck soon

I couldn't help but worry even if Gabe said he was going to keep an eye on her. he didn't know her history, he didn't know what she had done in the past and lastly he wasn't me and the only thing that will put my mind at rest is me being there to keep an eye on her myself but I can't do that right now.

I lead awake just looking at the clock on my wall watching the house go by until 2am when my phone went off.

Y/n: Kellin it's not that I don't want to share all theses cute and fun memories with you and the baby I would love to but it's not my place to it's yours and Katelynne's.

Me: but I want you! it wouldn't be right without you xxx

Y/n:kellin it has to be it can't just be mommy, daddy, baby and y/n

Me: but It can be and that's how I want it you would make a perfect stepmother I know it xxx

Y/n: kellin I just really don't think Katelynne is going to be happy about that because 1.)you didn't end on good terms 2.) not many mothers let there child see there dad's girlfriend 3.)what's to say she's even going to let you see the baby if she knows your with me. I want to be a part of this baby's life I really do but I can't be and that's ok because I know this baby will have the best father by
his/her side and I'm happy to let you go to be an amazing dad.

Me: please y/n xxx

Y/n: I'm sorry Kels I really am.

My brothers best friend (kellin Quinn x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now