Chapter 41

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Nicks PoV:

After reading the letter my mother had left me and y/n everything calmed down. I wasn't on the verge of crying. y/n was a lot better she looked more happy than sad which was great.

Me, y/n, kellin and her dad all sat around talking about old childhood memories some funny, some sad and some very embarrassing for the three of us. Then the talk of funerals came up. Luckily for us mom did do one smart thing and already had money saved to go to her funeral costs. We all decided a date and who would do what.

It was around 9pm when y/n's dad got ready to leave. I didn't even notice what time it was until he mentioned it.

I wanted to talk to him in private so I ran out to his car once Kellin and y/n went into the house after saying good bye to him.

"David, wait up" I shout walking out to his car and leaning up against his car window "what's up?" He asks Rowling down his car window and smiling.

I inhaled a shaky breath and smiled "thank you not just for tonight but for everything you've done for me growing up, when you was with mom, Back then when you where telling stories about me and y/n when we where kids it-" I stop and hold back the tears taking another deep breath "what I'm trying to say is thanks for being a father figure to me. You where the closest thing I'm ever going to get to one so thanks" I wiped my eye of the tear that slipped out and give David a sad smile.

"Nick, I love you I really do. I remember when I meet your mother and she was scared to take me home because she hadn't told me about you yet, but as soon as I stepped through that door and you came crawling along the floor I knew that I was going to be a part of yours and your mothers lives and even though I hated that relationship I had with your mother I will forever be thankful for it because I got not only a beautiful daughter but an amazing son" David was almost crying and I was just keeping the tears in as well hearing him say that made me so happy and thankful to have him.

I was always so angry and upset that I didn't know my father but I don't want to know him he's probably some drugged up dick head anyway, plus I already had one that took me on as his own from a toddler. I just don't know why it took my mother dying to show me just how much he meant to me.

David got out of the car and pulled me into a hug "I would be more than proud to call you my son, if your willing to have me as your cool, funny and awesome dad" he laughed pulling away from the hug holding onto my shoulders "I would be proud to tell people your my cool, funny and awesome dad" we both laugh even more.

"Now stop we have to be strong and put together not laughing and crying on my drive way" I grin shaking my head looking down at the Floor "alright well I'll see you soon, and maybe after we sort out your mothers funeral we can sort out me adopting you if you would like that" he smiles getting back into this car closing the door behind him.

I couldn't help but smile and shake my head yes at his offer. I waved good bye to him as he drove off and made my way back to the house.

What a long day i loss my mother and then find out that the father I've been wanting so long for was right in front of me.

Y/n's PoV:

Nick came in with a bright smile, happy about what ever him and dad just talked about.

"What's with the big smile" I tease grabbing nick's cheeks making him pull away "so what made you so happy?" I question again "don't be mad but dads going to adopt me after we sort out mom's future" what Nick said shocked me, I didn't think that was what he was going to say.
"That's fucking amazing, Nick I'm so happy for you" I shout  wrapping my arms around him and hugging him tightly swinging back and forth.

I am so happy for him. He's always felt so incomplete because he didn't have a father and I really hope this helps him move on from not knowing who his biological dad is.

Kellin's pov:

I over heard Nick and y/n's conversation and smiled happy for him, it will be good for him to finally have a good dad in his life.

I was going to go and congratulate him when my phone rang, it was Katelynne.
"Hey everything alright" I ask confused to why she was calling me "kellin, can you come and get the kids please I can't do this anymore" she cried almost screaming down the phone "Katelynne breathe what happened?" I say hearing a few deep breaths coming from the other end of the phone "the boys dad just came and dropped Liam and Rowan off at the house and said he wants nothing to do with them and he doesn't care anymore" she shouted before going back to crying "right chill out, I'll come and get the boys now just stay calm" I said before hanging up and running into the kitchen where y/n was.

"Babe I need to go" I blurt out and run back out of the kitchen getting my shoes on "where are we going" she asks walking over to me grabbing her shoes.

"Katelynne just called and said she can't do it anymore and something about the boys dad saying he wants nothing to do with the kids and I'm worried there was only one other time she called me up crying like that and it didn't end to well the last time so where going over there" I had tears in my eyes knowing that she was alone in a house with two little boys and pregnant with my daughter, god knows what she could do.

Y/n didn't ask anymore questions and just ran out to the car with me and drove off to Katelynne's house.

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